s i x : it's eira

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| SIX |

"Are you guys here for dinner?"

This was the first thing Isaiah said to his friends. It was, however, met with a silence.

The Treacherous Three entered the house and greeted Charles the Butler (who was directly beside Isaiah), as they made their way to the coatroom to leave their shoes in. Isaiah trailed behind them, wondering if ignoring him was like a sport, or something people just liked to do as a hobby.

"Are you guys not here for dinner?" He asked, in an effort to direct their attention his way. When he didn't receive an answer, he sighed.

"It's French night, so Hélène is making galettes." He sang teasingly, in order to coax them into staying over.

Themed nights (yes, they had those) were originally his mother's idea, but didn't include the elaborate, foreign foods that Hélène had introduced. While his mother had simpler ideas, like spaghetti and Mexican, Hélène had more elaborate ideas that included creating an ambiance with the food. Music, props...the whole shebang.

To Isaiah it was tacky and cheesy, but to his father and his sisters, it may as well have been the greatest thing since sliced bread.

When his friends still didn't bite, Isaiah twirled his car keys and shrugged more to himself than to them. He wasn't in the mood for begging, and things had to be done. Particularly, he had a quiet girl to woo.

"Well, whatever you're here for, go get it. Could you let me know when you want to hang out?"

He crossed his arms over his chest and watched them for any sign of interest. The only sign of interest he found was Shiro at Amèlie's light up Cinderella shoes. And that wasn't really interest– he had accidentally kicked at them and the shoes were now creating a disco light show in the coatroom.

"Oh. I'll be right back,"

That seemed to snap them to attention. Isaiah was simply saying that because he had to go grab his jacket from his room, but The Treacherous Three seemed to think he meant he was leaving. He didn't bother correcting them, since they finally spoke.

"We're not here for dinner." River blurted.

"Uh...I am, actually." Karim injected.

"So am I." Shiro seconded.

"Fine. Maybe we're here for dinner." She amended, probably thinking about the wonderful galettes that Isaiah's stepmother made. "But we're also here because...."

"Because what?" Isaiah asked a little impatiently, voice muffled. He was bent over to double check if his shoelaces were tied (he didn't need a reason to further embarrass himself in front of her), so River (the designated spokeswoman), was talking to his bum.

"Because we want to meet her." River finished chirpily. "And you've got a really nice bum."

Isaiah blinked at his Converse. Not because of her comment, but because of what she said earlier. About meeting someone.

They couldn't be talking about...Her-Her, could they?

"You're talking about–"

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