"And you couldn't use Stefan's?" he asked.

I took the toothbrush out of my mouth and turned to him again.

"Do you have a problem with me being here?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes. You're extremely annoying," he answered.

"Oh really?" I asked, a mischeivous glint in my eyes. Damon glanced suspiciously at me, and in the blink of an eye, I had squeezed some toothpaste onto my hand and I wiped it on Damon's face. I laughed at him. He looked up at the ceiling and took a deep breath. He looked down at me and smirked wickedly.

"Ah crap," I mumbled, before turning to run.

I got about two steps before I felt arms rap around my waist and haul me back.

"NO! DAMON LET ME GO!" I shreiked. I thrashed wildly in his arms, but he was stronger than me.

In the next instant, he had grabbed the toothpaste and put some on his hand, smearing it all over my face. I managed to break his hold on me and I grabbed the first thing I could. A can of deoderant. I spun around and sprayed it right in his face. He turned his face away and reached out, grabbing my arm and knocking the deoderant out of my hand.

Suddenly I was in Damon's arms, and he was putting me in the bath tub. He turned the cold water of the shower on and I started squeeling as it poured down on me. I struggled to get up, knocking bottles of shampoo and conditioner down, but Damon held me down. I stopped struggling as an idea came to me. I reached up and grabbed Damon's arms, pulling him on top of me, so he was getting hit by the water.

"That was a mistake," Damon said, looking down at me.

He grabbed the bottle of shampoo that had fallen and squeezed it, causing the shampoo to go all over my face. I clenched my eyes shut and managed to kick Damon off me. I grabbed the conditioner next to me and squirted it, aiming it at his face. He looked at me with a dangerous expression and I was on my feet in an instant, running from the room.

I could hear Damon chasing me, and I laughed like a maniac. I ran down the stairs, jumping the last six. I swerved around corners until I reached the living room. I looked behind me to see Damon lunge through the air. He collided with me and we rolled, until he managed to pin me to the ground.

"Oh, you are so dead," Damon said.

"Um..." a voice came from the doorway.

Damon and I glanced towards the sound, and Stefan and Elena were standing there, looking at us with weird expressions.

"I'm not even going to ask," Stefan said, shaking his head.

"What are you guys doing?" Elena asked.

"Oh you know..." Damon said.

"Feeding the cat," I said.

"Uh, Marni, we're going to get going," Stefan said. "You need a ride?"

"Um... No, I'm good. I'll be at school later," I said. "I probably need a shower."


I glared up at Damon. "Do you mind?"

He rolled his eyes and got off me, holding his hand out to help me up. I grabbed it and he pulled me up.

"Truce?" I asked.

He rolled his eyes again. "Fine."

"We'll see you later," Stefan said.

He and Elena left I poked my tongue out at Damon before heading upstairs to shower for the second time this morning.

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