Chapter 29: Valentine

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Shyly, I took it. "You look amazing," I said hoarsely.

"So do you," Ed smiled down at me.

I shook my head. "You're a rat. I couldn't be more out of it if I'd turned up in fancy dress."

"It works for me."

My fingers squeezed his arm as we swept into the ballroom. The male student presenting was answering questions and the audience were disgracefully using the time to pop out to the bar. It didn't feel like much of an intrusion as we stealthily claimed a place by the side. I glanced around the perfectly positioned chairs. Mum and Tracey sat excitedly at the front next to... Zara and Pete, who had ignored me and displaced some poor parents, Councillor Charmers and two women dressed in suits were front row centre; the judges, I guessed. Tammy and Marie, who had a brother and sister in the Sixth form College, sat together giggling at the back. There were others in my year dotted about the room, girls I'd hung around with throughout school; guys I'd loosely call friends. Standing here, away from the lights shining over centre of the room, it suddenly seemed so long ago. I felt a lifetime apart from my friends, not just a few chairs away in the wings.

I shivered as Ed's soft breath sang on my ear. "You've chosen a life in the wings, do you realise that?" A large gentleman took his whisky glass for a walk, and I leant back, pressing against Edgar's body.

I relished the feeling for a moment before I spoke. "I know. It's not everything I want, but I do want it." I hoped he understood the meaning. I shifted my head to look behind me, wanting to see the expression on his face.

But, I noticed Josie to the left of the low platform getting ready first, and to the right, "Shelly." I'd no doubt Shelly should have a chance to present, fairly. But it made me nervous.

As the clapping subsided for the previous presenter, Shelly was standing, centre stage, ready to begin and commanding silence with her porcelain beauty.

"We," she let the one word sink in, "are the privileged."

From where I stood, there was no way I could've heard Josie gasp, but I felt it. In the pit of my stomach, her distress made me queasy. Shelly had spoken Josie's words and the first picture on the projector screen was one I'd seen before. It was one I'd found on google, for Josie.

I held out my hands and screamed. "Stop, this now!"

Shelly stopped instantly.

"Araminta..." Edgar's voice was steady. "You've frozen the whole room."

I was already moving towards the stage. "I'm sorry Ed. I've got to interfere again."

Edgar made his way towards the doors, but shut them way before he reached them with a wave of his hand. "Araminta, You know the rest of the world continues don't you? You've about a minute before someone steps inside."

"I didn't mean to use magic. I just wanted to shout out that Shelly's presentation was stolen." I leapt on the platform and bent over the laptop. "But this is good. Shelly can expose herself, now."

"Come on." Ed appeared on the stage next to me. "There are people are moving this way."

"Yeah, yeah. I need to figure out what I want to do." Panic crept over me. I had an audience, even if they were all immobile and I didn't know how long that would last either. My fingers hovered over the keyboard. "What do I want to do?"

"Shh. Don't worry. You don't always have to make a spell. Just command."

I nodded, a little calmer. "Ok." I whispered and stared at the screen. "Bring me what belongs to Josie, words and image, picture, data. Ætberan."

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