"Don't worry about it though, I got rid of her. Sent her to her death by pushing her into a volcano." My mother looked proud. I was truly disgusted.

"You're truly a disgusting person. Feeling proud for murdering someone who gave me a better life? Enslaving many for your personal need then killing them off?!" I bellowed. Both looked unfazed

That doesn't even matter anymore, you never looked at me like your own. You're only still chasing after me because you know that being the child of a true element makes me stronger than the rest." my comment seemed to anger her.

"You know that's not true!" She denied, though I could see the shock of my words on her face.

"But it is. If I was born without these powers, you would have thrown me away so fast." I walked closer to the two and stood right in my mother's face.

"Admit it." I said lowly. She glowered at me, raising her hand and scratching me across the cheek with her abnormally long nails.

I held my bloody cheek in pain as I looked at her. She had shock written all over her face.

"Oh look what you have done dear! You just made me so upset I lost control for a second." She shrilled. I rolled my eyes. She went to touch me but I back away.

"Don't touch me with your crusty finger nails." I said. It was quiet for a moment before my mother suddenly snapped.

"You are no child of mine, Celosia if you don't obey my orders!" She snapped. Instead of looking surprised by her outburst I merely just smirked at her.

"I was never your child, and my name is Dawn!" then fire popped out of my palms. My whole hand was engulfed in flames. I probably looked crazy with blood running down my cheek and my hands in flames.

"You better put that fire away, wouldn't want to hurt yourself." Camira commented. I shot fire at the floor and engulfed it in flames. It made a line, splitting us up.

"You better shut the fuck up you bitch, I've lived with you my entire life and you repay me by trying to kill me?"

She let out a dry laugh. "I knew who you were the moment the ladies brought you in, I was aware of my powers at a young age and always watched to see if you were too. Sadly yours were delayed and only appeared a month ago. To make matters worse you're fighting against us! And for who? Those filthy dogs living beyond this forest."

"I'd rather fight with those 'filthy dogs ' any day than work with you two." I said.

"Enough!" Vasilisa shouted and snapped her fingers, distinguishing the flames in a matter of seconds.

"How'd you even escape the dungeon?" I asked. She rolled her eyes and laughed.

"Do you really think a dinky old dungeon would hold a 200 year old elemental?" She asked. My eyes widened in shock.

Damn she's old.

"I gave you the gift of being in this world, I gave you the gift of having fire, and now you still want to fight with them." She said, the venom dripping out of her voice.

"Yes, I'd rather throw myself off a cliff than side with you witches." I sneered.

Vasilisa was angry. "You better watch your mouth young lady. One wrong phrase and I won't hold myself back,"

I let my hands up again and stood in a fighting stance.

"Don't hold yourself back mom, show me what you got."

I still regret saying those words.

My mother wasn't only a master of the fire element, she knew each and every one to the T. The biggest mistake was ever challenging her in the first place.

I'm not sure what had come over me, but I knew that I fought for the people I love. I fought for the people enslaved by her. I fought for the children who were going to be enslaved by her.

I fought against the one person haunting my nightmares,

Even if it was a loss, I could at least say I tried.



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See you all next Sunday👋🏾👋🏾👋🏾👋🏾


(UPdate: I read my chapter minutes after posting and had to edit it, omf the spelling mistakes were horrible)

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