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Riley Matthews, the girl Lucas is in love with.
He would do anything for her, just to feel secure, not insecure.

Lucas Friar, the boy Riley is in love with.
She would do anything to make him feel like he's worth it.

They both succeeded at doing so, but Riley's world came crashing down. She wasn't the same.

She's been getting messages, cruel and awful ones. Nobody should ever get. She felt insecure, like a nothing.

Maybe one lesson can change that, or a lesson they already knew. The Secret Of Life

People change people. Maybe Lucas was the one to change Riley. For the better.

"Bullying. Does anyone know what that is?" Said Mr. Matthews. Maya raised her hand, "When you give the power for someone to make you feel bad about yourself"

"Correct. Does any one know who has been or you were bullied?" Farkle, Maya, Lucas, and Riley raised their hands.

Farkle was bullied in middle school. He felt like a nothing. But his friends made sure he felt like a something.

"Okay, class get a piece of paper out and tell me a flower you love. And say a quote about it that represents you" They class wrote down their flowers, and quotes. And gave them to
Mr. Matthews.

"Okay, I read all of them, but one stands out to me, it says;

'Just because someone looks happy
Doesn't mean they are
Because even a white rose
Has a black shadow ' "

"Sir, who's that from?" Lucas asked
"Someone who we think is happy all the time. Someone we think one has one emotion, which is happiness. And we didn't notice. This belongs to Riley Matthews" Cory's voice cracked when he said that.

He was holding back the tears. Something was wrong with his daughter. And he did even notice.

"Riley.?" Lucas, Farkle, and Maya said at the same time. "Bay window after school, I have something to tell you guys" 

The bell rung and Riley left. The three of them wondered through out the day, what was wrong with their sunshine.

It was finally the end of the day. The core four sat in silence at the bay window. Until the blonde said something. "Tell us Riles, please"

The brunette hesitated but carried on "This has been going for months. I tried to say strong, but I didn't. I-I," by now she was in tears.

Riley grabbed her phone, went to the messages and gave it to Maya. Who showed Farkle and Lucas.

They looked horrified. Lucas immediately went to Riley, who was crying. And sobbed in to his shirt.

The girl he was in love with was in pain. Lucas kept cooing sweet things in her ear. Once Maya and Farkle were gone, so the two can gave some privacy.

The sandy-blonde haired boy spoke up.
"Riley Matthews listen to me, and only me. You are the most amazing, caring, beautiful girl inside and out. You make sure everyone is okay which I love and hate about you. Riley I love you."

"I love you too" Riley spoke, and then pressed her lips against his.

Fireworks is the only thing that could describe that moment. That brunette spoke after the kiss.

"My moment will be my moment"

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