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Embry wouldn't let anyone touch Avery, I can understand, she is just a baby my mom is going to hate this. Liam was still holding Aven. Embry and Liam are going to stay with us for a while. Aunt Alice gave us a house. It is not as big as the main house,but its okay. It is a 3 bed 2 bath, there are two beds in each room besides me and Seth's room. "Embry, Liam, come on." Seth yelled. Embry ran downstairs and took Avery from Sam's hands. "Bye guys." We said. We walked to the main house. "Okay Embry and Liam you have to let some people hold them okay." I said and they nodded.

We walked in the house and Mom ran straight for me. "Where are they, I haven't got to hold Aven." She said, then she saw Liam and Embry. "What are they doing here." She is used to Seth but not the rest of them. "Oh you remember Liam and Embry right." I asked. "Yes but why are they holding them." She asked. "Rosalie." Grandma scolded. "No it's okay, we would have to tell you anyway." I smiled nervously. "I imprinted on Avery." Embry said looking at the family. "And I imprinted on Aven." Liam said. Mom just stood there. "Well congrats on getting your imprint." Uncle Edward smiled. "So can I hold Aven." Mom said. I took him from Liam and gave him to Mom. Me and Seth set of the couch. "So I was wondering if y'all could help me and Seth move into our house." I asked. "Sure." They said. "Okay." I said standing up. "What are you doing." Aunt Bella asked. "Moving in to my new house." I laugh.

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