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Emmett's POV

I saw Beth fall to the ground again. "Stop." I yelled at Aro and made Jane stop. "Nice you to you again but we must leave." Aro said and they left. "Beth." I said shaking her. "We have to get her to the house."

We laid her down in the office and checked her heart beat. "She doesn't have a heart beat." Edward said. "She dead what are we going to do." Bella said. "I can save her." Rosa said. "You mean turn her." Bella asked. "Yeah I need everyone out of here." Rosa said and they left. "I am staying here." I said and Rosa bit her all over her body. "Done." She said and hugged me.

2 months later

Isabeth's POV

I woke up in a room I have never seen before, I set up my throat is so dry and I am very thirsty. I got out of the bed and walked to the door. I was in the house, I walked to the living room to see my family they had their back to me. Seth was the first to notice me. He got up and ran to me and hugged me tight. "Beth." Mom and dad asked and I ran to them. "My throat hurt and I'm thirsty." I say and mom walks into the kitchen. I set down on the couch. "Why do I feel different." I asked. "Well Beth remember when the Volturi came." Grandpa asked and I nodded. "The girl that was shocking you killed you but your mom saved you by turning you." Grandpa said. "Wait I died." I asked. "But your mom saved you." Seth said. Mom walked back in and I hugged her and she hugged back. "Drink this and see how you like it." She said and I drunk it but spit it out. "That's nasty." I said and mom smiled. "That human blood." Mom said. "Yay we get to go hunting." Dad smiled.

I got dressed and walked downstairs and walked outside. "Okay the first one to get a mountain lion wins." Grandpa said and I took off your my vampire speed. Grandpa told me that newborns are a lot stronger and faster then normal vampires. I was in front of my family when I stopped and stood behind a rock. I saw a mountain lion. I jumped up in the air and tackled it and drank it's blood. It tasted so good. I wiped my mouth and yelled. "I win." And ran back to the house.

When I got back I saw grandma and grandpa smiling at me. We waited for the rest to come back and walked into the house and set on the couch. "So how long was I out." I asked. "Two months." Aunt Alice said. "I was out that long. Dang." I said and they laughed. "What I have to look at something." I said and got up and walked to a mirror. "OML. I look way prettier." I say. "And I feel so tall." I added and they laughed at me.

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