Chapter 3: Sadists, will always be Sadists, never forget that.

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"Where in the world did you get that?!" All four of them asked.

"From sadist." Nonchalantly said as she put down the walkie talkie on the table and sat down.

"From Souichirou-kun? Kagura since when are you together with Sofa-kun!?" Gintoki panicked.

"Gin-san it's Sougo." Shinpachi the straight man said.

"We are not together Gin-chan!" Kagura shouted. "Well he left it on the bridge where we last fought after the fight."

"Have you ever contacted Soda-kun?" Gintoki asked.

"Nope. Why would I?"

This girl really is dense. They thought. All of them excluding Sakura face-palmed.

"You should call your boyfriend Kagura-chan, it must be hard for both of you to indulge in a long distance relationship for 2 years at such a young age." Sakura said.


"Call him now." Sakura said pretending to ignore what Kagura just said.

"Um... How?"

Everyone facepalmed. So that's why she hasn't called him yet. Everyone thought.

"Just press that big button and say something." Gintoki said.


Kagura pressed the button.

"Hello anyone there?"

After a couple of seconds finally another voice came.

*"It's been awhile China, and why in the name of everything are you calling just now?"* Sougo said in his still monotone voice but just a little deeper than usual.

"Oi, sadistic bastard! What's with your voice?"

"Yeah Souichirou-kun, what happened to your voice?"

*"Sougo, danna, Sougo. Well growing up I guess. So China how are you?"*

"I was fine until I heard you're voice."

*"Admit it you miss me, glutton monster."* Sougo said then chuckled.

"I do not!" Kagura said while her face grew red.

*"You're probably red by now."*

"I AM NOT!" Kagura shouted back.

*"Ouch China. You're going to wreck my ears."*

"Then so be it!"

*"You need something from me don't you, danna?"*

"Yes I do. We need to get a hold to Zura and right now is the time."

*"You're in a rush aren't you?"*


*"Hmmm... What should I make you do?"* Sougo said with an evil menacing sadistic smile.

SHOOT WE FORGOT HE'S THE PRINCE OF THE FREAKING SADIST PLANET. Otae, Shinpachi, Gintoki, and Kagura thought.

"Ummm... Okita-san, you wouldn't mind letting us off just this once right?" Shinpachi nervously asked.

*"Well I'll get you to Katsura but before that..." He said completely ignoring the request of the glasses wearing human (Shinpachi: Oi!) I mean the human wearing glasses. "China must say that she misses me so so much that she really wants to see me again."* Sougo said with an even more sadistic smile followed by a chuckle.


*" Okay then, I'll just slice up this walkie talkie then."* Sougo let them heard the sound of his blade to torment them more.

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