"WHATS WRONG WITH WANTING EVERYTHING PERFECT?" Kid cried, shaking Crona. "Perfection is key.

"Is it though?" Crona asked, uneasy.

"Yes! Don't be so blunt!" Kid continued to shake him.

Patty pulled the striped haired boy off him. "Hey! Leave him alone. You asked him how he felt!" She whined.

Kid sighed. "Yeah.. you're right."

"Yeah." Kami spoke. "Also, for someone who likes symmetry so much- your hair isn't-"

"I GET IT!" Kid's eyes welled up.

Kami shrugged.

The next ones to enter the room was Hero, Ox, Kim and Jackie, Killik and The Pots. Harvar was close behind. They all chatted amongst themselves. That was when a very distinctive voice filled the death room:


"Indoor voice please, Black Star." Tsubaki requested. Black Star nodded.

"Sorry, Tsu. I got a little carried away." He spoke, much quieter this time, but a grin still on his face. He looked around, only for his eyes to be locked on a figure that he hadn't seen in a long time.

"KAMI!" He shouted in delight. He ran towards the blonde haired woman, who spotted the boisterous male and opened her arms.

"Well isn't it Black Star!" She wrapped her arms around the young assassin. She ruffled his electric blue hair. "You've grown so much."

"I missed you! I did a lot of work to defeat Asura.. Well.. Actually I helped everyone else to do it. I don't wanna take all the credit, y'know.." Black Star spoke sweetly. Kami grinned.

"I heard! I'm super proud of you." Kamiki explained, delighted. Black Star gave a goofy grin back. He adored Kami, and saw her as a second mother- next to Naigus. Kami, despite having to put up with a lot of Black Star's calamities in the past, adored him the same way.

Tsubaki approached the pair and smiled sweetly. Kami spotted her and gave a smile back. "And who are you?" She asked her.

"Oh! I'm Tsubaki. Black Star's weapon!" She said. Kami shook her hand.

"What a pretty girl you are!" Kami sincerely complimented. "My name is Kami. It's lovely to meet you.

Tsubaki blushed. "Thank you! It was lovely to meet you too."

"Wow, Black Star. You certainly picked such a nice weapon."

"Yeah, she's wonderful!" Black Star spoke. Tsubaki was thrilled.

"Thank you!" She smiled.

Whilst all this was happening, Spirit stood quietly to the side. Unlike everyone else, who seemed lighthearted, he felt all of his confidence sinking. He watched everything happen, but was hesitant to be a part. He couldn't help but feel out of place from the group.

He then spotted Soul and Maka entering the room. They were in deep conversation. Maka smiled at the things Soul said to her, which lifted Spirit's mood a little bit. He liked it when he saw his daughter smile.

He then saw his daughter stop in her tracks as her gaze was fixed on the sight in front of her. Her eyes filled with tears.

Her voice could only whisper one word.


Around the same time, Kami's eyes met with the young girl who stood, teary eyed, opposite. She smiled and held out her hand.

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