5 - attachment

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THANATOS DIDN'T understand his strange attachment to the child. Now that he was free Hades had offered him a place in his palace. The Queen had been delighted at this news. The child, now growing up, loved Thanatos's wings. If he left them out Alina always ran up to him to touch them.

One problem he still faced was the council. Only few Gods and Goddesses knew. Athena of course and Eros. The ones who had supported him in the first place. They came to visit the child often and Thanatos.

When Hades threw a huge event for Alina's first birthday all Gods were allowed except him. He could not be seen in front of them all. This upset him but afterward he was the one to gently lay her to sleep. Sometimes, as her eyes were fluttering close she would reach out and stroke his feathers before falling into a deep sleep. This was his favorite thing in the world.

For the most part he stayed hidden away in his room. He loved to spread his wings and fly over the world. Visiting new places. It was the freedom he longed for years.

One day Hades called for him.

"Yes Lord?" Thanatos said.

"Again, just Hades," He shook his head.  "This is about the council we must go in front of them. You specifically."

For years Thanatos had not been able to do his job so souls just had to find their way here. Now the council might be so gracious to let him be free from the palace (no one knew of his adventures) and he could get back to reaping souls.

Thanatos nodded. He knew the time would come. Years seemed like days to Gods and when he was captive it felt like a millennium. Now his freedom could soon be lost.

"When?" Thanatos asked.

"Three days time."

He wandered off. He found little Alina with Persephone in her nursery that Hades decorated with rubies and diamonds. The child smiled and giggled at him.

"She absolutely adores you dear Thanatos." Persephone smiled.

He felt different. Not lonely and sad like in his cave but much like the Queen who was always joyful. But he still feared that his power would leak out at any moment. He did everything with the most cautious action. The chains on his wrists seemed invisible after awhile.

He picked the child up with ease and stared in her beautiful eyes. She once again stroked his feathers and giggled. If The Queen and King had places to be it was Thanatos who watched the child. He paid much attention to her and never left her alone. They could sit together for hours and she wouldn't cry once.

If he heard her crying in the nursery he would get up before one of the parents heard. She would always fall quickly back to sleep.


Thanatos knew the council did not like him. Well most of them didn't. There were few exceptions. He was most worried about Zeus and his loud opinion. Then there was Aphrodite and her wandering eyes that made him nervous. As Hades and Thanatos shadow traveled to Mount Olympus he tried to calm himself.

Hades sat on his throne next to his two brother and gave him a nod. The other Gods quickly turned their heads to see the God with wings. The Twelve Gods. Here for a council all about Thanatos.

"Thanatos, God of Death, we are here to discuss your previous actions and your possible freedom." Zeus's loud voice carried. "Hades would you like to speak on his behalf?"

"Yes, Thanatos is perfectly capable of handling his powers. What happen was a century ago. I have faith he will never do such a thing again. This is why I propose you let him resume his job as reaper of souls for me and let him free from his prison in the Underworld. He will stay with me in my palace."

Hades look back at him. No one had to know he was already staying in the Palace. Just get their approval.

"I think it should be fair then that he is only put in battle when we need him. That way we never repeat ." said Poseidon.

A murmur of agreements went around the room.

"May I remind you he in under my full command by choice. Those chains on his writs were put there by me and will never be taken off unless I command so. They help contain the power he never knew he had." Hades spoke.

The God of Death did not like the Gods talking about him as he is standing there. He was highly uncomfortable.

"Thanatos has proven he can handle himself. A thousands of years of confinement should be enough punishment. I say he should be let free to resume his position and live in Hades palace. It is fully comprisable that he is still under command. " Athena proposed.

"Then let us take a vote. All in favor?" Zeus questioned.

It was a blur to Thanatos. This little moment meant his fate. But a chorus of 'I' went around the room.

He was free.

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