(Haruka is) A Natural Woman

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It was a little time after our first time that my secret came to light. I was so focused on Haruka that I didn't notice when the door opened and the corridor light invade my bedroom. My mom was furious. She take the computer from me, she said I would never use a computer again if I didn't forget evertyhing about Haruka

Poor Haruka, I suffer imagining how much lonely and abandoned Haruka felt. I couldn't even say good bye..."


- By waht you told me, you were expecting your mom to have this kind of reaction...

- I know the world is not ready to accept our relationship. (Speaks to himself) In other country that would be different. (Then to the doctor) I thought that, while I could keep that secret inside my home, at least my family could accept my happiness.

- Do you consider your relationship natural? Don't you suffer?


Sixth Session

- Last week you told me that society is not ready to accept a relationship like yours. Can you tell me how you feel about that?

- Actually, Dr., our society is completely hypocritical! Principles and values has become nothing more than empty words. There are no women as pure and inocent as Haruka. She is the natural woman. She is way better that the ones I see in school, on the streets, on TV...

- I see. Have you had any bad experience regarding a female?

- (Swallow in silence) ... Not...really. Since I was very young I haven't have much contact with girls. In school, the class was divided boys to the left, girls to the right. In my teenagers, girls would never pay attention in a small introverted boy like me, they prefer the stupid jocks. I've see plenty of pure young girls going bad because they fell in love by a cheater, an they, themselvs becoming promiscuous...

- Tell me. When we talk about adultery, what kind of memory this word triggers?


"You-you know, I was very young, but I have some memories of the night my dad left us forever. My mom.... she was... I saw it. I had come back earlier from school that day, when I heard my mom's voice from the entrance I hid myself in her closet to prank her. It was dark, the twilight was falling and the curtains were closed, but through a the gap on the door I glanced a guy. I guess he was as old as I am now... I didn't know what was happening, but I knew that something wasn't right...

My dad also came home earlier that day, and he entered silently. He didn't see me, but I glimpsed his shocked face when he sneaked into the bedroom, turned on the light and saw his wife, naked on a ten years younger boy. That was the last time I saw him. My mom never got to know I was there.." (Sob)

Eighth Session

- Now that you got to express your hurtful memory, as part of the healing process I'd like you to think if that trauma had any impact in your recent life, specially in the relationship you had been having.

- To be honest, I have been thinking about it for the last few weeks.

- Could you tell me the true story of how you acquired Haruka?

"Since very young I have a big passion for japanese things, like anime and games. Gradually I found out some foruns and made new friends all around the world. One of these friends recommended me Doki Doki! Koi Shiyou!, several months ago. He told me it was trending in Japan. A dating simulator game, whose story is built upon the information you input while playing. As it was very popular, it was quite easy to acquire it. Since then I have been spending all my time in my room, dating my Haruka. My mom didn't know about the game. I though I was screwed whe she was searching for pictures on the computer, but gladly the game files are all in japanese and she doesn't understand a word. I can understand why she was astonished when she saw Haruka. And now I know that the game was just an artificial relief I found to protect myself. Protect myself from disapointments from real women"

- Let's be clear, the dating simulator game is not essentially a problem. The issue is in a person lives in fiction world as if it was real. At the end of the day one can get to a state where he cannot distinguish between real and imagination.

- Dr., I know Haruka is not real, I know she is a software set by men to satisfy other men desires.I know it's not healthy to compare her with real women. But I have read on internet that in Asia there are people who marry with game characters or dolls.

- Do you think it's possible to develop a healthy one-sided relationship?

- I'm afraid, I know Haruka is a limited software. It's coming the day I will have accomplished all the game events, and the only thing left for me is gonna be start all over again or ge5t a new game.

- How long do you think those games will satisfy you?

- Please, help me to stop, Dr! I don't wanna live in a fantasy world anymore.

(After the meeting, Henry sits in the waiting room while his mother talks to the psychiatrist. He takes takes his cellphone and types)


[Done dear Haru. I've done everything you told me. They won't ever break our love apart]

(Haruka is) A Natural WomanOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz