"Who's this?" she asked, pointing to me and looking at him curiously. "Is this Daisy? The girl you told me about?"

"Jessica, go away," he snapped, and I was taken back by his rudeness. Alex has never in his life been so rude to a girl.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Nothing is going on, Jessica needs to leave," Alex said, glaring at the girl that was still standing there. I grew even more confused and expected an explanation pretty soon.

"Oh, does Daisy not know?" Jessica asked. "You haven't told her? I thought you would have by now."

"What are you talking about?" I asked her, and she turned to me and smiled, then turned back to Alex.

"Alex, would you care to explain to Daisy what I'm talking about?" she said.

"Jessica, I swear to God, if you don't leave--"

"Alex stop!" I snapped. His face went pale just then and Jessica smirked at him. "Are you going to give me an explanation for what's going on?"

"I asked Jessica to leave," he said, his face turning a little pink, and I knew he was getting angry.

"Why does she need to leave so badly?" I asked.

"Because he doesn't want you finding out," she said.

"Doesn't want me finding out what?" I asked. "Alex, just tell me. I'm not hiding anything from you, why are you all of a sudden hiding things from me?"

"Yeah, Alex, why don't you just tell her?" she said. "Put the poor girl out of her misery."

This couldn't be good.

"Alex." I used my stern motherly tone with him and I saw him frown and look as though he was going to panic, but I knew I'd gotten my way.

"I went to a party a while ago," he said. "That week that we weren't speaking because I thought there was something between you and Hemmings."

Oh god no.

"And Jessica here, was at this party." He stopped and looked down at his hands on the table, Jessica smiling at him. He had a severe scowl on his face. "And she sort of, kissed me."

My stomach dropped.

"Continue," she said.

"There's more?!" I practically gasped. Alex put his hand on his forehead. I felt like my heart rate had picked up to an unhealthy speed and as though I might throw up my breakfast.

"Oh yeah, there's a lot more," she said. "Go on, Alex."

"And so then we made out," he said. "For like only a couple minutes, and then I told her to leave me alone because it wasn't going to happen because I wasn't interested. It took me a while to realize you're the one that I wanted, Daisy, and nothing about that has changed."

"Are you fucking serious?" I stopped, Jessica smirking before she blew Alex a kiss, said a very insincere "sorry" to me and walked away.

"Daisy, I swear, it only happened once and it's not going to happen again."

"You're right," I said, standing up.

"I'm so glad you understand that I'd never cheat on you," he said, trying to stand and take my hand too.

I pulled away. "You're right. You'd never cheat on me because I'm not yours."

"What?" his face fell back into concern again. "What, you're breaking up with me?"

"This was the last straw, Alex," I said. "I did nothing wrong that week! You took yourself an entire week and I thought it was you sorting out for own shit but you were lip locked with some bitch the entire time!"

"But it wasn't like that," he insisted. "I swear, Daisy, I never meant to hurt you and I never meant for anything like that to happen. And it won't happen again."

"I already told you you're right," I said. "It's kinda impossible to cheat on a girlfriend you don't have."

I got up and took my purse, Alex seemingly giving up on trying to convince me. If he knew me well enough, he'd know that when I decide something, my mind is made up for good.

As I walked back to my dorm, I was fuming with anger. I didn't know what else to do, so I just sat on my bed and stared at the ground for a minute before I stood and punched the wall, which was a big mistake.

That's when the tears came. I looked down at my hand that was beginning to swell up but I felt nothing in my hand. The pain was all in my chest.


A/N: this was really sad yikes

this won't always be this sad I swEaR just bear with me

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Room 206 - Luke HemmingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora