Chapter 21

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Michael was more than happy to hear Darcy's words as to the ironic timing of their chance opportunity. It seemed almost too good to be true that without previously knowing about how close her periods were, or that it was the perfect time for them to conceive a child, he had admitted that it was something he wanted, not just for them as a couple and their happiness but for their marriage. He couldn't help but react to her words as he did, smiling down at her before gently brushing his lips against hers in a grateful appreciation for her honesty and the fact that she hadn't been scared to tell him of such things. And Darcy could only giggle at the excitement in his eyes as he lay next to her, resting his head on his hand as he watched her intently. "You know, even though you've just said that and by all rights I should spend the rest of the day making love to you...I can't take my eyes off you. Just thinking about it, thinking about having kids with you and the fact that it's possible, it seems so unreal." Michael admitted in a hushed whisper, his voice such a calm comfort of love that she couldn't help but let her eyes transfix on him, strangely excited by the fact that everything they had ever wanted was going to happen as long as they ignored everyone else in their lives and focused only on each other and what their wishes were. "It's everything I've ever wanted and I can't imagine anything better than marrying you today and spending the rest of our lives together, even if it does take a while for us to have kids." He smiled, making it clear that there was no certainty that they would have children straight away, and that she should be prepared for a wait and not get herself too hopeful of a quick pregnancy. The last thing he wanted was to build her hopes up, only for her to be disappointed if it took a year or so for them to have a child.

"I understand Michael...I promise, when it happens it happens. I won't hold my breath but it'll be a blessing, no matter when it happens." Darcy made sure to let him know that however hopeful they both were and however excited they were about it, she understood that there was no point pining away and watching herself carefully for signs of a pregnancy when she knew perfectly well that it would take some time. Just because they wanted it to happen, didn't mean that it would and she had no problems waiting but it did make her feel better to hear that Michael wanted them to start seriously planning their lives for such an addition. "To be honest, I think I'm more excited about getting married today than the thought of us having kids at some point. I think the fact that it's really's more than I could ever have asked for." She giggled gently, blushing happily in disbelief that it was actually happening. But all Michael could do was kiss her for the very fact that she was so happy and so excited about being in a relationship with him that she found their marriage a final conclusion to everything they had been through, suffering every bad opinion of their relationship that had faced them and everything they felt for each other.

"Well, then maybe we should stop lazing about and start making some plans." He suggested with a smile of adoration that could only love his beautiful fiancée for being so happy at the thought of marrying him, unable to do anything other than let the relief and happiness consume him as much as Darcy had in those first few hours he had alone with her once her friends had left her in his care.

It felt to Michael like a final victory, a proof of how much he loved her, as though they had won a longstanding battle with not only his father and his brother, but her teachers and the entire world, who had all mounted against them to tear them apart. It wasn't that he only wanted to marry her for those reasons, because it wasn't true...he loved her and wanted nothing more than to marry her just as he had wanted instantly upon seeing her...but he would admit that he felt Darcy would always be afraid of being judged and always be frightened of something happening, of her teachers coming back, of his father winning and that, even though they loved each other something or someone would tear them apart. He just wanted to prove to her, to give her some solid confirmation that he wasn't going to let that happen, and when they already wanted to get married and had been planning things as they had, why should they wait? What better way, what better proof was there to give her than a wedding ring as beautiful as she was to show off to her friends as he knew she would, if anyone dared to say that their love, their relationship would never last. "We'll need to make a few calls...get dressed, of course... and make sure we can get what we want." He explained, mostly talking to himself as he lay back and thought things through, holding his hand behind his head as he thought about what sort of things he had to make plans for and who could help them. But it wasn't until his sweet girl, lying beside him contently, voiced her question that he realised most of his thoughts had stayed just that...thoughts inside his head and he hadn't yet explained them to her.

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