Chapter 13

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As Darcy watched Michael sleeping, not two hours after he had gone back to work, she couldn't help but think about how much he had given her just over the past two days, never mind since they had met. He really made her feel special, for the first time in her life and he had taught her more about herself than she had thought was possible in such little time. It was his strength and commitment to their relationship that made her strong, that made her unmindful of the disaster her life had been before their relationship. He had faith in her and allowed her to be herself when no-one else would, he took care of her and was strong enough within their relationship to allow her the love he gave her, trusting her to take care of him and be mindful of the small things that he was so used to dealing with that he barely ever thought about anymore. The incident at the restaurant had proved that. If she hadn't have been there, he would never have noticed the mistaken order the foolish waitress had brought to him and he might very well have ended up reacting as severely as she had suggested. He had managed to stop her from caring so much about what people thought, had opened her up emotionally and made her accept that what they felt wasn't wrong and that they hadn't been wrong to take the opportunity they had been given, though neither had approved of the circumstances of their meeting. Michael made everything seem perfect, in a way that nothing ever had and she loved him more than she knew how to explain to him. Darcy had planned something truly special for his birthday, hoping that he would appreciate the meaning behind such a thing as well as the playful extra surprise she had planned. But that was more of a thank you for being so wonderful to her than a real present and she considered it to be something that he would love.

She had been afraid that her unexplainable habit of forever crying at things that should never have made her cry, would have made her seem all the much younger and immature to his friends, but Michael had taken the chance, on the drive out to the airport to insist that wouldn't be the case. She really thought that she was just being childish and letting things affect her as they shouldn't, but she was glad to know that he disagreed and had even admitted that he loved each and every tear she shed, for whatever reason and that no matter what she had to say, what she did or how she did it, he would always love her more for it. It seemed ridiculous to believe, but he really seemed to adore each and every emotion that she displayed, claiming that it gave them a much deeper connection that he had ever shared with anyone in his life. But what really surprised her, was that he had taken back every word he had said on their first morning together, insisting that she didn't change a single thing about herself, no matter who they were in the company of, simply because he didn't want her to have to be anyone but herself because that was the girl he loved and wanted everyone to see. He had been adamant that he wanted everyone to know that he was going to spend the rest of his life with her, and Darcy couldn't have been happier to know it.

"Listen, I'm sorry to be a pain, but could you close the shutter?" An unfamiliar voice called out, confusing her as she glanced across at the man sitting on the other side of her boyfriend, unable to read the words on his laptop for the sun shining through the window beside her.

"Oh sorry, yeah..." She stuttered, sliding down the window shutter to block out the glimmer that was bothering him so much. And after doing so, she decided that there was no use leaving Michael's papers on his lap, where he had left them, as he wasn't supposed to be working for at least a few days yet, and carefully managed to steal them away and replace them into the rucksack she had brought with her. With the sunlight gone, her seat seemed so much darker and she decided not to bother reading the rest of her book, preferring to enjoy the comfort that Michael brought, leaning his head on her armrest.

"You're not giving up on my account are you?" He asked, distracting her as she began to brush her fingers over her friend's hair, hoping to strike up a conversation and find out if they were a couple, or if he had a chance of keeping her company a while longer. "Because of the shutter I mean...blocking out your light?" He wondered, a faint smile reaching her lips as she quietly shook her head.

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