Chapter 21

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By midday, another Alpha had arrived. He had bright flaming orange hair and honey gold eyes. Magnolia guessed that he was of Amber Claws. And she was right. When he walked right into the tent on Léi's and Ross's argument, Magnolia saw three orange claw marks on the side of his neck. The emblem was identical to the ones on Feliciano's forearm, if her memory served her right.

"Was I intruding anything?" He asked, oblivious to the situation. Levi walked over and firmly shook hands with the wolf-shifter. "Tiberio, where's Vlad?" Levi asked, parting. "Manning the front line. Not good, we've been outnumbered by Coffin and Bell." Tiberio answered. He paused for a long while.

"Alpha already? Where's Jëager?" He finally realized and chuckled brightly. "Back at home." Ross answered, walking around the meeting table. Levi led recently arrived Alpha next to Alexander before taking lead. "We'd last made contact with Golden Bell by the waterfall." The named former explained as he circled around the area of the located waterfall.

"Coffin last attacked here before they split up, as I was leaving." Tiberio pointed at another spot. "Which means?" Magnolia asked, popping out from behind of Levi. He shrugged. Alexander slapped his head worth disapproval. "Tiberio, you're not helping. At all." The former growled. The latter backed down. "Sūn is coming with his generals." Léi announced as she waltz in.

"I've received word from the Luna's." A warrior ran in. "What is it?" Ross demanded, folding his arms. "They've encountered... three humans and a vampire." He answered. "Vampire!" The Alphas and Luna heard another warrior cry. A dark shadow loomed over their tent. The silhouette of a winged beast became a lean-built teen. Magnolia easily recognized that silhouette.

"What in the world is happening outside?" Alexander pondered. Magnolia ran outside. "Tavi?" She gasped when she saw the pale top less youth. "Yo! Wolfie!" Gérard grinned from ear to ear. His wings slowly shrank back into his body as he unwrapped his flannel from his waist.

Warriors pointed their guns at him. "Well, I'll be damned." He added, hurrying to slot his arms through the sleeves. "How did you know where we were?" Magnolia asked, gesturing the warriors to lower their weapons. "Well, it's kinda easy since I've scaled the entire Valley the last time round." Gérard explained, buttoning his flannel halfway.

"Were you with anyone?" Magnolia asked. Gérard stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "Ange, Cam and Myo. Some wolf-shifters got them..." He turned away from Magnolia. He was clearly hiding something. "Octavian, this is a wolf territory, after all." Magnolia said matter-of-factly.

'He must be an idiot of a prince...' Lacrimosa groaned. "Oh, that Italian dude is with them as well!" Gérard added. Feliciano? Magnolia turned around and saw the other Alphas emerging from the tent. "A vampire, huh? I wonder what's his strength is like..." Ross snickered, cracking his knuckles as he walked up beside Magnolia.

She outstretched an arm, preventing him from advancing further. "He's my friend." Magnolia remarked. Gérard pulled up his flannel and revealed a dark grey White Fang partnership emblem on his ribcage. "Tch..." Ross gritted his teeth, backing from the young Luna. "The Luna's would mostly arrive by nightfall. We'll head out first thing tomorrow morning." Alexander ordered.

Ross went back into the tent as Myers walked out. "So, here comes Mr. Vamps?" Myers joked. "Haha, very funny..." Gérard stormed over. Myers smirked as the vampire approached him. The boys competed with each other in a staring contest. Magnolia swore she could see a static effect. "Who do we have now?" Magnolia asked, breaking their eye contact.

"Alexander, Ross, Tiberio and Léi. Sūn and about one or two more are coming. The other Luna's are northwest of us." Myers answered. Magnolia rubbed her chin. "Angey, Camey and Feli are with the Luna's... Tavi, who else is with them?" She turned to Gérard.

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