Chapter 10

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During lunch while queuing in line, Magnolia noticed that Feliciano often glanced behind to look at Camellia, who stood in front of her. Feliciano was at the fruit station while they were at the mains station. Magnolia picked it up rather slowly. "Does Feli likes you?" She asked.

Camellia slowly turned around, as if offended. On the other hand, Magnolia doesn't realize the offense she had made. "Yeah... I find him interesting, in return." She replied, moving down the line towards the final section. "Lesser of the butter rice." Camellia muttered. She was given her request as soon as she had asked for it.

"The cheeseburger steak." Magnolia added. The meal was given shortly after asked for. Feliciano was slowly choosing an apple as the girls slowly approached the drink station. Magnolia glanced to Feliciano when she noticed scars on his forearm.

She didn't manage to take a closer look for inspection when the sleeve of his sweater fell to his wrists. However, she did managed to catch three orange claw marks. 'Those marks...' Lacrimosa mumbled. 'If they are, it's Amber Claws.' Magnolia thought. She grabbed an apple juice carton and left the line to sit down at the usual seat in the corner of the cafeteria.

Camellia came afterwards with milk and pudding on her tray. As soon as she sat down, the start of lunch bell rang. Angelina came to the table 10 minutes into lunch with her tray. Myosotis followed behind her. He placed his tray down onto their table before swinging his bag to the front.

He began fishing for something. Camellia stabbed her chicken chop, pressurizing Myosotis further. He finally took out a milk chocolate bar and gave it to Magnolia. "For yesterday." He sheepishly laughed.

"Now get lost." Camellia muttered. Myosotis gulped. He took his tray and backed away from Camellia. "So, my house, tomorrow Saturday morning?" Myosotis asked, turning to Magnolia. "Yep. You'll pick me up?" Magnolia asked. Myosotis nodded. "And just me?" She asked again. "Well, not really.. remember Amelia? It's her... birthday." Myosotis kept stopping. Magnolia giggled.

"Okay. I'm sure she knows about me. Does she?" Magnolia asked. "Yea, I've told her about you. And she's desperate to meet you." Myosotis replied. "Saturday morning, 8, I'll come by." He smiled. "Okay." She smiled back. Myosotis quickly hurried off to avoid Camellia's (death) glare. "Wow, going to Firmament's house, huh?" Angelina teased.

"And I don't give a shit." Camellia commented. The redhead ignored her. "I'll tell you now. When I went to his house once for a project, he had a lot of cousins and they won't stop bothering me. Especially this one guy who looks identical to Myosotis... I forgot his name..." she went on and on rattling about Myosotis' family. But Magnolia was clearly not paying attention.

"Still worried about your father?" The brunette asked, breaking the Luna off from her world. "Not just Papa, my whole pack." Magnolia sighed. "I'm not even sure whether the Black Arrows would come in time as reinforcements." Magnolia eating her lunch.

Angelina opened her grape juice can. "Well, I'm sure Mr. Wolfsbane has come very good advice for you to follow." Angelina added.


It was the last hour of the day as Magnolia and Camellia were having PE while Angelina was having humanities. Both of their class combined to form a larger group. The boys and girls were separated from one another, of course. The boys played very physical games while the girls played simple ball games.

Magnolia was already sweating in the first ten minutes while Camellia sat out. She had this genetic disability, which prevented her from being out in the sun for a long duration. Surprisingly, the former doesn't suffer from albinism, even though she appears (similarly) as an albino: snow white hair, fair skin and lilac eyes.

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