Chapter 4

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"Ugh, how disgusting..." Camellia muttered, pulling into the school grounds.


read at the front of the school entrance as most of the students walked in. Camellia drove the pickup truck into the school car park and parked it at the usual spot. As she drove in, she saw some of the engineering class students.

One of them was wearing bright red, waiting at her lot. Once she had parked, he walked over. Everyone got out of the truck as Camellia fished out for a few quarters. "Miss Kingdom, need a check?" The boy asked, cleaning his hands with a cloth as he approached.

"Just the tires, Jack. They kept bursting whenever they like." She said, dropping three quarters into his hand. "Thanks for requesting me." He grinned. "Any time, just needed someone." She waved him off.

The quartet headed to their lockers when Gérard was bulldozed by his best friends. "Can we borrow Max? Thanks! Bye!" Saul said in a distance. Angelina and Camellia couldn't catch what he had said, but Magnolia heard it clearly. Amongst the other students, Magnolia sniffed out for her locker.

Angelina walked over to her locker. Camellia's was just opposite while Magnolia's was next to Camellia's. The snow-haired girl kept her humanities subject books in the locker as she took out her language and math books. Camellia peeked from the door of her locker and looked into Magnolia's locker.

The first shelf was full of her books while the second was empty and the third had a lot of unidentified scented products. "Mag, what's this?" Camellia picked up a dried flower. "It's violet." Magnolia took the flower back.


Her first two periods was mathematics, something every student (might) hate. Throughout the period of algebra, Magnolia was doodling in her notebook while listening. She drew manga versions of her brothers, which she learned from Haruka and occasionally the other Japanese students, besides himself and Sachi. She had also drawn her wolf, Lacrimosa. 'Why are my eyes so big?' She asked.

'It"s the anime style Haru taught me.' Subconsciously, she drew a depressed looking Myosotis. By the time Magnolia knew, she tried to turn the frown downside up, but to no avail. She erased the entire drawing away. During the second period, everyone heard P.J. over the system. "Announcement for freshmen. The news about your houses are located on the notice boards. Thanks." Eventually, the morning break bell rang.

Freshmen crowded around the notice boards as Magnolia watched from afar. "Wow." She heard Camellia. "That's a lot of people." Magnolia focused on each of the houses. "Camey, you're in Scarlet Fox." Magnolia told Camellia. "Huh? That doesn't really suit me..." Camellia complained. Magnolia scanned the other houses. "Angey is in Sapphire Owl. Along with Myoy." The brunette raised a brow. "Myoy?" Camellia repeated. "Probably the one and only Myosotis Firmament." Angelina walked up to them, pulling her hair behind her ear.

"Angey! Angey!" Magnolia hugged Angelina. "Gérard told me that he's in Scarlet Fox, with you." She turned to Camellia. "Ugh... Octavian... Of all people." Camellia groaned. Angelina looked at her phone. "We'd better hurry to our classes. It's almost time." Angelina patted their shoulders and briskly walked away. Magnolia and Camellia watched their redheaded friend leave them. Myosotis walked past them and brushed his shoulder against Magnolia.

They looked at each other and smiled. "Since when did you two became boyfriend/girlfriend?" Camellia asked, walking with Magnolia to their next class. "About two weeks ago." Magnolia explained. "Oh... Ange was telling me about it too..." Camellia muttered, before they split into their classes that were next to each other.

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