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I pecked her cheeks and kissed her forehead.

"And your also cute."

Amber-"no you're cuter."

"How many times do I tell you that I'm hot not cute."

Amber-"a million times,but I don't agree."

She smiled like an innocent angel.


I stood up from my seat and admired the goddes in front of me. There she goes swimming in the pool.

And here I am sipping on my cappuccino and chilling at the balcony.

~flashback~. <16 yrs old Amber>

I write  the important notes on my notebook while listening to Ms.Portman discussing about world democracy.

Most of the students here are lazy as f*ck.

While me no,I'm always attentive and listen to my teacher.

I want to learn and learning is fun.

'Oh you nerd!!' 

Ohh you dumbass bitch!

Ms.Portman-"alright *looks at me* Amber explain to us why we should learn the history of discrimination."

I stood up from my seat and began explaining which made me sound like a complete nerd.

"Well first let me discuss to all of you the definition of discrimination,discrimination is the power to make fine distinction;discernment."

She nods then a random chick blurted.

Dumb bitch-"what's discernment."

"Ability to judge well."


Yes saved by the bell! Just kidding of course I got something in my mind and a complete explanation to that question.

Now I sound like a nerd.What ever act least I have a brain and a booty.

We all stood up and arranged our things,like typical high school students whenever they heard the bell ring.

Ms.Portman-"All right,read your politics textbook and your essay's are due tomorrow,class dismmised."

I stormed out of the room and quickly went to my locker to place my textbook.


I was about to enter the cafeteria but I was greeted by my best friends.

Cara-"hey bitch."

"Hey asshole."

Lucky-"*laughs* how's the test Jess?"

We suddenly look at Jess with a surprised expression.

"Yah how's the test Jess?"

She look  down with a frown plastered in her face.

Oh no!

Jess-"I got an."

She paused.

Jess-"A+." She showed her paper to us and screamed which made us all scream then jump in joy.

We suddenly hugged her while jumping like maniacs.

After a while of screaming and jumping
we settled down and hugged her again.

"O my g,your going to Harvard next year."

Cara-"we're so happy for you Jess."

Lucky-"girl you rock."

"But what about our friend-"

Jess-"shut the fuck up,Amber of course we will be forever best friends no matter what it takes us because we're best friends."


We smiled.

Lucky-"group hug?!"



We entered the cafeteria with a box of two pizzas in my hands carrying it which made people look at us.

Every time people look at us if we enter the cafeteria I don't know why but probably because we're bullies to people who tried to wreck us and rich.

And some say that we're popular but we just don't mind that stupid title.

Then there I see the bitch  who betrayed me.

The queen bee itself.


What do you really expect me to say her stupid name never!

Let's just call her cancer.


I hopped out of the pool and catwalk towards Gio.

I want to tease him with my wet legs and body.

And just like other men,he of course admired my legs and up to my face.

I was about to kiss him in the lips but quickly move away and snatched the towel beside him and dried myself.

He then stood up and wrap his two strong arms at my back then pulls me closer to him which made me place my hand at his chest.

Giovanni-"stop teasing me."

I smiled.


Giovanni-"c'mon let's eat our lunch."

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