~P R O L O G U E~

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 I didn't answer him instead I stayed silent and gave him a stern look.I was dozing off once again,yet it is a professional act. The symptoms of my psychiatric disorders is showing up viciously,it can't be controlled.The diseases is inside my brain,the doctor's might prefer it as a disorder of my mental health but for me it's a disease that's been controlling my head and let me suffer by the throbbing pain. 



Kenneth-"The fundraising,you said you wan't to help?"

"Of course.I will give half of my fortune to the Filipino victims of the current typhoon that had occur and the victims of mental disorders here in the States.And please take note that I will also participate to Mrs.Jackson's program in Kentucky."

Kenneth-"Noted that,is that all Sir?" 

"Yes and please make sure that the news knows about this,I need publicity act of me and my men doing good." 

Kenneth-"Of course,Sir."

"You may go now."

I sighed.

The peace of the silence indulged me in this cruel empire that I made,it's cruel because I kill the innocent and the bad.Everybody knows it that I'm a hungry lion who seeks for revenge but in reality I'm messed up in complicated ways.It's ironic that I offered help to the society,it's not my thing to donate and give my fortune.I usually get those printed paper.Money. 

As I said a while ago.I'm messed up in complicated ways.

Running my rough hands to the golden watch that I bought and reflecting my sudden actions.Why am I even doing this?

It has been hours of me thinking so hard and the throbbing of my head even increased but I just ignored it. 

I sighed.

I need to go home and reschedule the meeting of my therapist,I need to talk to him now.

Then I heard a bang in my door.That bastard.I was just enjoying my peace and he has the audacity to end it by a bang. 

Mateo barged in like he always does,perks of having an annoying brother.

"Thanks for barging in,you bastard.

Mateo-"So have you found the lucky girl?"

"You didn't knock."

Mateo-"oh shut up,you know I'm you're younger brother."

"Still I'm the Mafia King,you shouldn't disrespect me."

Mateo-"o c'mon it's just a stupid knock."

"What do you want?"

Mateo-"So have you found her?" He said with a smirk and a wink.

"Look I'm not a romantic person so shut up."


"I know."

Mateo-"so what will you do about it?"

"I don't know,to be honest these women are not good enough,they're all the same,sluts."

Mateo-"Come on they're are a lot of fishes in the sea,I'm sure you'll get her."

"Very Cliche."

I do hope I found "her".

Mateo-"bye,bro,I mean Mafia King.I have a date unlike you desperate bitch."

"I'm not desperate you bitch and get out already!"

Mateo-"alright jeez,This woman exploded."

I glared at his back and switched on the TV and there stood the most beautiful girl I've seen.

"Amber Rose."


Follow me on Instagram:mikki.o2


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