Chapter 6: Nerves

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Key to Track events:

55m hurdles: About 1/8 of a track, with hurdles

Shuttle Hurdles: (Not very common,) You basically have a relay team. But with hurdles faced opposite directions so both people can jump over it at the same time. (One hurdle is facing you, the next is the opposite, etc. etc.)

70m: A very short sprint, about 1/5 of a track.

100m: A sprint, 1/4 of a track.

4x1 relay team: Four people run around the track at separate times, but only 100m. When they get close to the next person who runs, they pass a 'baton' onto them, where this step is repeated 4 times until you come across the finish line. There are small exchange zones where you hand off the baton to the next person, if you fail to get the baton, or, you drop it, your team is disqualified.

200m: 1/2 of a track, one of the more difficult sprinting events.

4x2: Four people run around the track at separate times, but only 200m. When they get close to the next person who runs, they pass a 'baton' onto them, where this step is repeated 4 times until you come across the finish line. There are small exchange zones where you hand off the baton to the next person, if you fail to get the baton, or, you drop it, your team is disqualified.

200m hurdles: 1/2 of a track of hurdles that are places around 40" from each other. (Usually depends on the track, and this event is very tiring and difficult.)

400m: One lap around he track. Unless you're an experienced runner, these can be pretty painful.

4x4: Four people run around the track at separate times, but only 400m. When they get close to the next person who runs, they pass a 'baton' onto them, where this step is repeated 4 times until you come across the finish line. There are small exchange zones where you hand off the baton to the next person, if you fail to get the baton, or, you drop it, your team is disqualified.

800m: Two laps. These are also very difficult.

4x8: Four people run around the track at separate times, but only 800m. When they get close to the next person who runs, they pass a 'baton' onto them, where this step is repeated 4 times until you come across the finish line. There are small exchange zones where you hand off the baton to the next person, if you fail to get the baton, or, you drop it, your team is disqualified.

1600 (Aka, the mile): The mile sucks to run. It's basically four laps.

3200 (Aka, the two mile): PEOPLE DREAD THIS EVENT. It's eight laps, and I've had to run it before. It SUUUUCKS.

Key to Field Events:

High Jump: you must must jump (without help) over a horizontal bar placed at measured heights without knocking it down.A bar is set between two standards with a crash mat for landing. You run towards the bar and use the 'Fosbury Flop' (I don't know why it's called this) method of jumping, leaping head first with your back to the bar. People usually vs each other until the other knocks it down. (Basically, you go as high as you can, for as long as you can.)

Long jump: You jump as far as possible along the ground in one leap. Usually, you go from 6-7 steps back, and you run to the 'board' which is a small place where your foot MUST land, if your foot goes over or is before it, you get a 'scratch.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2016 ⏰

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