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The two finally meet. (Part 1.)

It happened on a chilly Tuesday, with the weather looking calm and cloudy, and people bustled in and out of Chamomile.

Maya was sick with the flu, and she commanded April to get her the latte she'd always get on a 3:00 pm on a Tuesday, right after her work shift ended, but unfortunately with her being sick, April had to run her errands.

So in she went, flustered and all, mentally repeating the words One hot mocha latte please with one panini and a coffee to go and clutching the money she had too tightly.

It was usually Maya who'd get the food.

It was always Maya.

Don't panic.

Quickly, April fell in line, mentally giving herself a small praise for not tripping.

Everything went smoothly.

She got the food, then headed out the exit.

Five steps.

She waited for a young couple, seemingly taking the precious time by gaxing into eah others eyes, to walk out the door.

Three steps.

A young boy, maybe 5 years old or so, ran before her, tripping on his chubby little legs but then got up as quickly as he fell down and raced around the café.

One step.

The door opened and lo and behold,

the-aura-pulling-glasses guy.

April froze.

Max froze.

Then the 5 year old boy ran towards their direction and wihout heeding his mother's scoldings tripped and pushed April.

Which caused her to stumble and spill coffee onto Max.

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