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April Coleen Foster's second encounter with Max Eppelher.


The freaking aura-pulling-glasses guy was at the library.

April was stuck with two choices.

Either she'll calmly walk towards the exit and possibly trip on her toes after passing the guy or hide behind the library shelf that currently looks very tempting right now because she could see that he's turning his hea-

The latter falls into her decision.

Take deep breathes April. She tells herself.



But as she turned her head ever so slightly to her right, she saw that a small grin played on the boy's lips.

There goes my breath. April thought, sighing internally at the dreaminess of the aura-pulling-glasses guy then quickly cringing at her patheticness.

Why don't I just go say hi? She thought, lighting up at first, then quickly facepalmed herself.

What was she thinking? Her? Of all people?

But when she turned to look, he was no longer there.

A slight twinge of dissapointment graced on April's features, and hesitantly, she walked down the aisle to grab the book The Messenger.

She hoped she could learn his name.

April sat down on one of the tables located at the corner, where the light was comforting and bright.

After several attempts of trying to read the first page, switching from crossing her legs criss cross applesauce and crossing her ankled , unsuccessfully tucking some strands that fell onto her face, she sighed.

She couldn't focus on the book.

All she could think about was a tingling feeling of how delightful it would be to say his name.

To roll it out smoothly with her tongue, to whisper it when no one's around and smile.

Several shades of red quickly smeared onto her cheeks after that last thought.

She really did like him.

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