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So I can't decide if their relationship is moving too quickly or too slowly. Maybe it's moving at the right speed? Tell me what you think in the comments, and if you have any other ideas feel free to leave a comment. xxx

So its the morning of my second and final day of administration for this week. I am here early as Dad has the morning shift and wanted to take me out for breakfast. He told me how his and Mel's relationship was getting more serious and how he wanted her too move in, oh and that he had finally gotten around to organising that I visit her on Fridays. I can start tomorrow! yes! I am happy about visiting her centre and I am happy about her dating Dad. Not sure where I stand on her moving in though. The small house already feels overcrowded with Dad, Mugsy and I, but with Mel and her three year old son Archie... I am not sure we would all fit.

I didn't have much time to ponder on this though, the other lifeguards were starting to arrive and so were the beachgoers, by the thousands. It was finally back to summer weather and the waves were all but gone. It was flat and the temperature was 28 and rising. A perfect day out at the beach. Maxi was here again with Gonzo and Terry. Maxi plonked down next to me, and for the first time in several days his greeting did not mention Adriel or rather Bacon. "Looks like its gonna be a busy one. You got much work?" I shook my head, "nah I have almost finished this weeks work and was about to start on next weeks."
Maxi thinks for a second "cool.."
"What Maxi?" I ask.
"Well you could have your first day as an actual lifeguard, we might need you it looks pretty busy, and its still quite early." I think about this. I am going to have to do it sooner or later. Might as well do it now. "Yeah, I would love to." I smile to Maxi. "Alright so Harrison and Ryan are going to the northern set of flags, Gonzo and Terry will watch from the tower, Reidy and Bacon will do the south end and you and I can go to the middle set of flags."


Maxi and I are sitting in the rhino in front of the flags and watching the beachgoers. There is not much happening. Its pretty calm and flat and there is a rip just outside the flags but thankfully nobody is swimming in it.
Maxi and I are chatting about everything from school to formals to bluebottles and tsunamis. He is just so easy to talk too. Something I do not have with Adriel. Why do I keep thinking about Adriel??? I cant stop. Well at least Maxi has not brought him up. "So about Bacon-" "Maxi! Can we stop talking about him? lately you have been bringing him up everytime you see me and there is nothing going on." I say with a sigh at the end. "I just wanted to know if you talk like this to Bacon?" I think for a bit and realise what he said.
"What do you mean?" I say.
"Is it easy to talk to Bacon, like it is to talk to me?" Is Maxi flirting? Is he saying what I think he is saying? "Don't even answer it." He looks disappointed and looks away. We sit in silence. (I seem to attract a lot of that.) A few minutes pass before Maxi says "I reckon that man out there is in need of a bit of help. You wanna have him as your first rescue?" I am excited yet terrified. "Yes!" i say and jump out of the rhino, I strip off my lifegaurds shirt and board shorts before grabbing the board and running out. I paddle to where Maxi is directing me, and I can't believe I am actually rescuing someone. I thought I would feel a bit more terrified! I finally arrive at the patient and don't have to do any work. He pulls himself onto the board and even adjusts himself in the right position. I start to paddle back and as I make it to the beach I ask if he's alright. He insists he's fine and walks off as quick as he can before the cameras can get a closer view of him. Suddenly I am engulfed in a hug, its Maxi of course. It seems he has forgotten all past awkwardness and is only focussed on hugging me so hard I almost suffocate. "Well done on your first rescue!" He says excitedley before pulling away and lowering his voice and saying. "oh you know, it was alright, for a first rescue." I hit him lightly and we both laugh. Just then over the radio comes Gonzo from the tower, "Well done Sol that was really fast."
"Thanks Gonz." I radio back. "Its the end of our shift now Sol." says Maxi. "and you only did one rescue!" he says as Hoppo and Kerrbox arrive to take over our shift. "You didn't do any!!!" I say as we walk back to the tower. Maxi straightens up and says "I am a seasoned pro, I let the rookies do the work." We both crack up as we walk through the door to the tower. Gonzo and Terry are gone and are replaced with Adriel and Jesse for the afternoon shift. "Hey." I say to the boys before walking over to my bag at the desk. A few moments later Adriel comes over whilst I am packing my bag. He starts talking quietly, probably so the other boys dont hear, thats not likely. Jesse is a few metres away looking out at with the Binos and Maxi is less than a metre away grabbing his bag. "Sooo, I was wondering if you wanted to go out, somewhere with me... tomorrow?? or another day." says Adriel. "Are you asking me on a date?" I say slowly. Adriel pauses. "Yes." I glance at Maxi and see the look of mild irritation on his face. "Sure" I say looking away from Maxi. "Do you just want to come over anytime tomorrow?" I ask.
"Bacon get back here you've got work to do." Jesse shouts.
"Yes, See you then." He says and walks back to the front of the tower. I wish our conversations were less formal and more relaxed. Like mine and Maxi's. I pick up my bag and look at Maxi.
"Cute." He says with a laugh before walking back to the front of the tower. I walk out the back door and start walking home.

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