Today Is The Day

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goes my alarm at 6:00AM. I sit up and look around, the window is open and I can see Bondi from here. There is already dozens of runners and swimmers at the beach from what I can see. My stomach drops as I realise what today is. My first day working as an administrator. I am excited but terrified. I should be fine, I am good at clerical stuff. I have done it for almost 8 years at the farm. My brothers would not go near any paperwork with a ten foot pole, and my Mum was too busy with running the farm and her nursing job! So that meant that it was all left for me, and I had gotten pretty good at it. The only problem I might have with today would be meeting new people... Oh and possibly seeing bacon again.


"Oh My Gosh! Mugsy!!"
He jumped onto my bed, and got caught in the phone charger which was around the lamp. The lamp fell down and made an almighty crash. Mugsy just looked sheepish. He crawled up to me and I kissed him on the head. "Oh well, you definitely woke me up, Mugsy!" I said as i put the lamp back on the bedside table and walked to the shower. I washed my hair and body and shaved and exfoliated before I realised. "Sh*t what do I wear to work?"

Do I have to wear a lifeguard uniform? But I am not a lifeguard? Do i wear a uniform that says administrator? ugh that would be so weird. ugh now I am thinking too much! Why do I worry about the stupidest stuff all the time?

Luckily Dad yells out and interrupts my thoughts. "Just anything casual Sol! But hurry up or we will be late!!"

I wash everything off and wrap my hair and body in a towel. Its meant to be 4o degrees today so I pull out a navy t shirt and a pair of black shorts. I rake my hair up into a high ponytail and sprint back into bathroom cleaning my teeth whilst putting on my black thongs.

I throw my phone, jacket, and water bottle into a bag and rush outside. Dad is waiting by the car.

"Are we going to drive to work?" I ask.
"Yes! we have 10 minutes to get there and it would take too long to walk. Get in."

We arrive at the lifeguard tower and thankfully not many people are there yet. Dad goes and sits down at the window and looks out and Hoppo comes up to me to start my day of training. He shows me around the lifeguard tower and introduces me to the other lifeguards who are already there. "This is beardy and Whippet." He gestures to two men I already know from the show, they smile and say Hello before turning back to their work. Hoppo shows me a bit more stuff then tells me to come to his office so he can train me for the clerical stuff.


I am walking back to the tower with Hoppo, its about lunch time and the beach is full. "It is really busy now, so I will just leave you to start the work now. But if later in the day you need more help feel free to ask. Its just that now, we probably wont have time."

Hoppo points to a seat at the right of the lifeguard tower next to Whippet who is on the Binos. He dumps the huge wad of papers on the table and pulls out the chair for me. "Enjoy." He smiles and walks off. Whippet glances over at the wad of paper and says "glad its you not me, welcome to the team."

A few hours after lunch I have made a dent in this weeks clerical work. I am actually really enjoying it! I look up to see it has started raining and the beach has started to clear. Whippet is still look out at the water and the rest of lifeguards are coming into the tower off the beach. Beardy and Tom are first to come in from North end. Tom introduces himself and I reciprocate. Next comes Maxi and Jesse. "Hey Soleil!" shouts Jesse. Maxi comes over and hugs me getting me saturated in water. "Yay, a new member to the team, and I am not the youngest!" Maxi says and pretends to pat me on the head. "You are still
the most childish though." says Whippet and all the other boys laugh.

Next comes in Dad with Bacon. Bacon smiles and says hello whilst Jesse and Maxi nudge each other. Whilst Dad is none the wiser.


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