Awkward Encounters

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The photo above is Reidy

Hey everyone,
sorry some of this info is probably way inaccurate but oh well I hope you like this chapter. If you do vote and comment :) PS sorry some of the sentences are worded badly. xx

*Bacon's POV*

I was watching the water and simultaneously listening to Maxi and Jesse's annoying yet funny banter when I heard Reidy practically scream "Hi Sweetheart" I was really wondering who he was talking too as all of us knew he did not have a wife, but maybe he had a girlfriend...

I was wondering this and also watching the middle set of flags when I saw a tourist drop off the bank. I radioed to Whippet to go get them, and I watched him begin to run out to the patient, board in hand. From the corner of my eye I saw Jesse pick up the binos and look out at the water. So I knew it was okay to turn around look at who Reidy's "sweetheart" was.
She was about 17 or 18, tall and thin with long auburn hair. She had bright green eyes, and was covered in freckles. I just tuned in when Reidy said she was here finishing year 12. That meant she was maximum two years younger than me. What was I doing thinking about her? She was Reidy's daughter.. Although this leads to me wondering how is she that pretty when she is related to him? I laugh to myself then look at Jesse and Maxi who were flat out staring, and Gonzo who being the shy person he was... Was not so blatantly staring however he did have his mouth firmly pressed shut and his eyes kept darting from her to Reidy to the floor. Which seemed to be abnormal behaviour for someone who was at ease in her presence. I heard her name was Soleil, the french word for sun.

I realised Jesse was not watching the water anymore and I turned back to face it, the sun on the water was reflecting off the water and glaring into my eyes.

*Soleil's POV*

They all seemed so lovely, although Bacon did not look at me at all he had his back to me when he was introduced. I wondered if maybe Dad's arrogant introduction of me put him off. I put the thought out of my head and continued to walk up the hill between Bondi and Bronte beaches.


I am settled in at Dad's and almost unpacked in the spare room. I am sitting and reading a textbook on nutrition for my new school when Dad comes in. "Hey Sol, I have missed you so much! Glad to have you staying with me" We sit and talk in the almost empty room for a few hours, and he asks about my brothers Lennox and Liam. "Yeah they're good, they miss you too. Lennox is really starting to look exactly like you now. " Lennox and Liam are my older twin brothers who are both 19. They are staying on the farm at home and trying to get apprenticeships in boilermaking as a side job.
Then Dad asks me a question I dont want to hear. "Have you got your eye on any of the young guys you saw today? Maxi or Jesse or even Gonzo he is shy but lovely. Or Bacon maybe your cup of tea" He winks at me then laughs.
"HAHAHAHHA Dad please!! I have not even been here a day" I laugh and throw a pillow at him. "Get out Dad. I love you. But get out."

"Alright I will get started on dinner" He says as he shuts the door behind him.

After he leaves I am thinking about the boys I met today. I think to myself I would not date any of them. But for some reason Bacon remains at the back of my mind.

*Bacon's POV*

I wake up to the beeping sound of my alarm. I glance over at the clock and its 4:00AM. I remember its Wednesday, the day that I start work early. Which means I train early. I get ready to go to the pool and throw my goggles, towel, bathers and water bottle in my sports bag. I text some of my mates I swim with to check that they are still going to the icebergs this morning. I get a reply immediately from Gonzo, and Jesse and Maxi reply not too long after. 20 minutes later we are at the pool. I dive in and feel the cool water engulf my skin. This is what I live for.

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