Serious Business

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*Soleil's POV*
Its been about half an hour since we left the lifeguard tower. Normally it takes me 10-15 minutes to walk home but its taking so much longer with Maxi and Jesse.

We decide to pop in to the IGA to get some stuff for dinner. Apart from cooking bacon and eggs, I do have a few other meals under my belt. I get some beef, and mixed vegetables for stir fry and hope we have the rest of the ingredients at home. I also get assorted fruit for dessert. I am trying to be healthy and I am sure the boys are too with the challenge up soon.

When we get too my house we see that Bacon and Gonzo are already sitting outside the door. "Oh, I am so sorry we should have been quicker! If we knew you were here."

"Its fine" they both say and I let them all in the house. Maxi of course makes himself comfortable on the couch straight away and so does Jesse.

I don't really know what to do in this situation, so I say I will get started on dinner. Maxi flicks on the TV and comes across an old episode of Bondi Rescue, he watches intently, especially when he comes on the screen. All the others open their phones and scroll through instagram and facebook. I feel a bit bad they are bored in my house but I really don't know what to do.


I have just transferred the vegetables to the meat pan to finish cooking the stir fry, when Bacon comes in.
"Hi whats up?"

"Nothing much, just hoping you guys are not too bored in there, you could get started on the training thingy?" I say whilst stirring the dinner.

"Well, speaking of training... Hoppo wants you to have some water training, so you can become a sort of administrator and occasional lifeguard..."

Still looking at the dinner I consider this.

"Maybe, not his best idea.. He must have forgotten I have lived in the desert for almost 17 years... I have no water skills..." I finally look up at him. I look back down at the meat and vegetables which will soon start to burn..

"Well, thats why he asked me to train you..."

I can't think for a moment, all I can see is myself getting hit in the head with a rescue board, or pummelled by a wave and Bacon watching on.

Then I see a flash and hear a camera noise. Oh no. "Maxi!"

He peeks around the door frame. "What? You guys were cute." He laughs and says ... "This is going straight on Instagram."


We are sitting at the dinner table, all the dinner is eaten and we are snacking on fruit whilst "planning" the timetable. Its getting hard because Maxi won't focus and keeps shoving food in his mouth every 3 seconds. "Maxi! This is serious business!" Jesse says trying to keep a smile off his face. They both crack up laughing, and then laugh even more that each other is laughing. Eventually we have made a dent in the timetable. We have determined that every morning they will do a 3k run and 3k swim. Alternating between routes to get running practice on hilly, flat and sandy surfaces. Then every lunch break they will do board paddling out too Ben Buckler and back, and after work they will do weights in the gym. "You should do yoga as well." I joke. "It might help with balance."

"No Thank-Yoouuu." says Jesse. "Can you imagine me in yoga pants?" We all crack up laughing at the thought of tough Bra Boy Jesse wearing yoga pants.

"I don't need to do Yoga again. I have already mastered it." Says Maxi as he bends down to do a downward dog.

We all stare for a moment, then burst out laughing again.

"Ah I am scarred for life! Please never do that again!"

Maxi comes up behind my chair and pulls it down like he did in the tower. We both end up on the floor and so does the plate of fruit that was on the table. We both get covered in fruit juice and pieces of watermelon. He leans in to me all sticky and laughing and says "Don't diss my yoga again."


All the boys have gone home, I have tidied up the mess that maxi and I made and surprisingly we now have a reasonably good timetable! We added in a few more things after the yoga suggestion, and now its perfect. Or so the boys said. Although I highly doubted that I was necessary in planning the timetable... I did have a fun night.

After my shower I lie on my bed with Mugsy warming up my feet. I scroll through Instagram, past a few boring photos, then see the photo of Bacon and I on Maxi's feed. It looks so romantic when actually it was not. I am looking down at the dinner laughing and Bacon is looking at my face and smiling. He is leaning forwards and is quite close. The caption is "He had eyes for her, but she only had eyes for the stir fry."

Ugh Maxi. I laugh to myself and roll over and try to sleep.

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