Lifeguard Challenge P3

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Hi everyone,
here is the last chapter of the lifeguard challenge. PS i have uploaded photos of the cast in the previous chapters where they are introduced. Please Vote and Comment also. Sorry I have not been updating for a while, there will
be a few updates within the next few days! xx hope you enjoy

It's 10 to 6 and the challenge starts at 6:30 so I start to get organised and pack everything. I had a good day, after the awkward (yet again) encounter with Bacon (and Maxi) I got to get some schoolwork done and texted Chanel. I now have a nice tan after being in the sun all day, and my hair has gotten more red in the sunlight.

I pack the calculations documents for the challenge in my bag along with my phone, a bottle of water, a jacket, and a calculator in case I managed to get some of the information wrong. I can double check when I get there. I pick out some suitable clothes, my black bikini top, a white tank top, some black running pants and my thongs, I rake my hair into a ponytail, it still has some sand in it after the beach today and I even dab on some lipbalm and clear mascara. I feel a bit stupid going to lengths to look good at the freaking lifeguard challenge, its not a fashion show. Will Dad notice how I am "dressing up"? more importantly will Bacon notice? Will he know I am trying to look good for him? oh god, I must look so desperate!

"Sol!! lets go, you need to double check the times with Hoppo." Thank god I have Dad to make me stop worrying! I grab the bag, kiss Mugsy on the head and shut the door behind me.


Most of the lifeguards have arrived although Jesse,
Maxi and Bacon are not there yet. Dad has got changed into his bathers and runners and is stretching with some of the older lifeguards, while the younger ones are crowded around Matt Dee and laughing at his commentary.
Hoppo, Terry and I are sitting at a table set up on the beach and are going through last
minute timing adjustments, it appears I have got it all right. Harries and Whippet are starting last, Ryan Yerbury and the other newbies are starting first and everyone else is somewhere between. Bacon, Gonzo, Jesse and Maxi are all starting at the same time, just before Harries and Whippet.

"Good job Sol! You have done a great job with this, so far you've made a pretty great administrator." says Hoppo and Deano nods along. I am so pleased, I grin and say thank you a few too many times.

"5 minutes until the race begins lifeguards head up to the starting line." Matt Dee shouts through the megaphone. I look around and still cant see Maxi, Jesse and Bacon, until suddenly I see them running from the carpark, already in their sluggos and runners. They are shouting "wait for us! don't go yet."

"Hurry up boys" Says Hoppo and he gives me a nudge, "Sol, you can go up there and tell everyone what order they are in."

I walk up to the starting line and start telling people which order they are in. "Ryan, Tom, Terry and Nicola are first." They move into their places and I call out the others until I get up to the last two groups when Hoppo takes over and announces that both groups will join together and start a whole half an hour later than the first group.

Matt begins blowing the whistle for the first group, and shouting go, then he moves on to the next group and the next one until half an hour later he gets to the final group. I look to see if the boys are prepared, Bacon seems to be avoiding eye contact whereas Maxi looks at me and throws me a shakas sign, "Your training plan better make me win." he laughs and grabs my hand before dropping it as Matt Dee blows the whistle and they set off.

not gonna write about the actual race :)

I am sitting and watching with Hoppo and Deano when the first people start coming up the beach after the board paddle. They still have 200 metres to run so I cant yet see who they are, I walk up to get a better vantage point with Deano and Hoppo, we are standing right behind the finish line with the lifeguards families directly behind us. As the lifeguards get closer I see who is coming first it's Whippet with Maxi, Bacon, Jesse and Harries all close behind. Whippet has a solid 5 metres between him and Maxi but he appears to be getting tired. Maxi and his long strides easily overtake him, and he puts in his best effort before crashing through the finish line. He stumbles around blindly for a few seconds before he sees me. He runs up and grabs me in a massive bear hug "Well done Maxi! you did it!" I shout into his ear, he laughs and says "couldn't have done it without your timetable!" we both laugh because we know I had nothing to do with it. We turn around just in time to see the others cross the finish line, Bacon, then Jesse then Harries, Whippet, Gonzo and Chappo. The rest of the lifeguards still haven't begun the soft sand run. Jesse runs about to us and pats Maxi on the back "Well done mate!" he sees me standing next to Maxi and says "Sol, aren't you gonna go congratulate Bacon?" and laughs, Maxi laughs too and takes his arm off my shoulder, and pushes me into Bacon just as he is walking past. Bacon is as shocked as I am and catches me. As he has his arms around me it is now that I realise I am less than a centimetre away from a shirtless Bacon. We awkwardly stand for a moment before I prise myself away from him as Jesse and Maxi crack up laughing. It feels weird to congratulate Bacon on coming second in the race after I have just been shoved into him, an action that will make it even more obvious how I feel about him. (Thanks Maxi.)  Although I cant just start some  talk about how awkward it is that Maxi shoved me into him because I clearly like him and he must like me because otherwise why did he try to kiss me earlier in the day??? So instead I choose silence, and its awkward us both standing there in silence. Thankfully Bacon eventually breaks the silence.
"So with the training, for you being a lifeguard... I thought that maybe we could start with theory work, seeing as you have never really been in the ocean... If you want to? Do you still want to? or maybe someone else could train you if you don't want me..."

Bacon is nearly as awkward as me! I think to myself.

"No, of course I would love for you to teach me, when would you like to start?" I say.
"Well maybe tomorrow, its my only day off from training and work."
"Yeah just come over whenever I guess, we could do the theory at my house?" I suggest.
"Yeah, alright, I will see you tomorrow."
"Okay." I say.
"Alright. See you." He says, and I realise neither of us has moved we are both still standing there.
I smile at Bacon and start to walk over to Dad who has just crossed the finish line, and thankfully did not see mine and Bacon's awkward encounter.

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