Chat #13

283 13 4

Hyuga: shut up

Goyo: no one was talking

Hyuga: omg your so annoying

Enya: confuzzled

Hyuga: kill me

Sohma: maybe Hyuga just wants to start up this chat again?

Enya: ohh that makes sense

Goyo: doesn't he always get mad at us for talking though?

Hyuga: I'll beat you over the head with a walking stick

Kazemasa: 11

Sohma: wait your so old you need a walking stick?

Enya: 😂😂😂

Hyuga: Sohma shut up

Sohma: 12

Hyuga: dammit!

Jesabelle: and the counting continues 😂

Enya: why did I forget that?

Jesabelle: I wonder that too

Goyo: it's fun

Hyuga: this is bull

Enya: maybe for you but it's great for us

Hyuga: what are you even getting out of this?

Hyosuke: a nicer Hyuga

Mizuki: amen

Hyuga: I don't get enough respect around here...

Enya: what should I have for dinner...?

Jesabelle: what are your options?

Enya: my dog or Hyuga

Jesabelle: don't eat the poor dog

Hyuga: hey!

Hyosuke: 😂😂😂

Sohma: but Hyuga doesn't have any mean on him

Jesabelle: true

Enya: should I order a pizza then?

Jesabelle: if you asked me that everyday I would say yes everytime

Enya: wanna come over and eat pizza with me, Jesabelle?

Jesabelle: if you asked me that everyday I would say yes everytime

Enya: wanna Netflix and chill?

Jesabelle: I'm not coming over anymore

Enya: yeah I thought you would say that...

Jesabelle: Psh you can send me some pizza though

Enya: lazy

Goyo: I think the word is cheap

Jesabelle: both true and harsh

Hyosuke: knock knock

Goyo: hi Hyosuke

Hyosuke: no! Knock knock

Enya: who's there?

Hyosuke: orange

Goyo: hi orange! I thought you were Hyosuke!

Enya: omg Goyo shut up!

Enya: orange who?

Hyosuke: orange you going to let me in?

Goyo: ...

Hyosuke: come on! That was funny!

Enya: thank you for wasting my time

Enya: excuse me while I order pizza

[DISCONTINUED] Destiny Ninja Kik MessagesWhere stories live. Discover now