Chat #4

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Goyo: why are you at Yoshitsune's!?

Enya: yeah!? Why not me or Goyo!? Mostly me! But why!?

Jesabelle: I already made plans with him...

Goyo: that's sooo not fair

Hyuga: life's not fair. Cry me a river and rock yourself to sleep.

Yoshitsune: that's a little mean

Sohma: .-. 'A little'?

Enya: Yoshitsune whyyyy!?

Yoshitsune: what?

Goyo: how could you do this to us?

Yoshitsune: I don't know what your even talking about. I just got here.

Enya: what are you doing to the poor girl!?

Yoshitsune: you mean Jesabelle? We are playing games and we will be watching a movie soon.

Enya: games!? What kind of games!?

Hyosuke: stop thinking so dirty!

Goyo: a movie?

Goyo: as in...


Enya: are you going to Netflix and chill!?

Goyo: your a wild animal!

Enya: no one can stop him now!

Kazemasa: why do i get the feeling that this is going to get worse?

Hyosuke: you think it will?

Sohma: most likely...

Mizuki: mhm...

Yoshitsune: we aren't watching Netflix. We rented a movie.

Enya: ...

Goyo: ...

Enya: indecent romance movies

Goyo: Yoshitsune how dare you

Jesabelle: that's not what's going on! Just a normal movie! It's not even a romance!

Mizuki: then... What is it?

Jesabelle: it's a mystery

Mizuki: but I want to know what it is.

Jesabelle: no Mizuki I mean that the genre is a mystery

Mizuki: I still want to know what it is...

Hyuga: please shoot me

Hyosuke: your still here Hyuga? I would have thought you left by now.

Hyuga: shut up peasant

Hyosuke: ...

Jesabelle: Hyosuke isn't a peasant, that was mean...

Hyuga: whatever, go watch that movie with Yoshitsune

Yoshitsune: apparently the lady that worked at the store got mixed up and gave us the wrong movie

Goyo: that sounds planned to me

Enya: indecent

Enya: romance

Enya: movies

Benkei: I've been sitting here silent just reading for who knows how long... I regret it...

Kazemasa: no matter what they just think it's dirty.

Sohma: do you think there is anyone who can be worse than those two?

Hyuga: no

Benkei: you don't?

Hyuga: no I don't

Benkei: why?

Hyuga: ... I don't want to talk about it

Hyosuke: come on Hyuga!

Hyosuke: tell us!

Hyosuke: tell

Hyosuke: us

Hyosuke: !!!

Hyuga: I'll punch your face in so hard you will never recover and look like a bean bag of you don't stfu

Hyosuke: ...

Benkei: so?

Hyuga: they are my special sandwich...

Benkei: ...

Kazemasa: ...

Goyo: what?

Enya: I didn't.

Goyo: me neither .-.

Hyuga: Who. Ate. My. Sandwich.

Sohma: I did

Hyuga: ... you bitch

[DISCONTINUED] Destiny Ninja Kik MessagesWhere stories live. Discover now