06. Sarcasm

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For the rest of the car ride Lydia made sure to stay awake. The Stilinski boy assured her that it was fine and that she should rest, but she would just shake her head and say she was. No more questions were asked about the earlier incident. Lydia couldn't help but wonder if there was more to the boy's story. Like many of her assumptions lately, she kept them to herself.

Instead the two spent their time in the beat jeep listening to soft music and comfortable silence. Small talk was made on occasion, but Stiles mainly focused on the road and Lydia watched the surrounding world passed them. The two would sneak glances at one another when the other wasn't looking. At some point Lydia found the boy's forearm that perched on the arm rest, and started tracing patterns up and down it. She had felt the boy tense when her fingertips first grazed his arm, but soon enough he relaxed and Lydia soon realized the longer she traced, the more his face seemed to soften.

Lydia was nervous for the weekend. Her conversation with Scott replayed in her head like a broken record.

Was their plan going to work?

Will they finally snap Stiles out of this funk he'd been in for all these years?

Lydia glanced at her road trip partner. His face had completely softened, and with the sunshine pouring in, his face was practically glowing.

His eyes were set in concentration, scanning the road as they drove. He looked older. Mainly due to the facial hair, but Lydia could still depict the moles that sprinkled his face.

"Whatcha looking at?" Stiles didn't take his eyes off the road, but Lydia swore she saw a smirk cross his lips.

"Oh I was just wondering if you were actually a werewolf due to the fur that you are currently sporting on your face." Sarcasm dripped from her words, and Lydia was finding it difficult to stifle her laughter.

"No, I am not a werewolf! Nice try Lyds, I know you're just jealous you can't grow a beard this good."

And there it was. The first real sarcastic comment Stiles had made since the day they ran into each other. A smirk was now permanently placed on his lips, and his eyes gleamed with pride.

Lydia felt her heart swell, because for a moment, their stood before her eyes was the boy she knew. The one with a sarcastic tongue and a goofy grin.

"Come on Martin, do you really have no come back?"

Stiles was now beaming, and Lydia was speechless. Her mind was blank, but she didn't care. "You win this one Stilinski."

Now the boy looked as stunned as she felt.
"Did the famous Lydia Martin actually accept defeat? Who are you and what have you done with Lydia?!"

Stiles faked a horrified expression, earning a slight shove on his shoulder from the girl.

"Focus on the road." Lydia tried sounding annoyed, but the smile on her face gave away just how fake it was.

Stiles then let out a laugh that was too rarely heard. It was a laugh that you could hear the happiness radiating through out. This was the laugh that always ended in yet another rare sighting; a toothy grin that Lydia had only seen a handful of times over the years she has known Stiles Stilinski.

Sunshine gleamed behind the now smiling boy, and Lydia swore her heart stopped.

"Stiles, you coming?"

When the Jeep finally pulled into the driveway that belonged to the Stilinski's, Lydia about flew out of the car door. She took in every inch of the sight before her. It felt so familiar to be back in this specific driveway. It was the driveway she would walk upon after late night study sessions, and early afternoon movie marathons. It was the driveway the two friends would sit on during summer nights, talking and looking at the stars. This was home to her. As much as Lydia loved her mom, the woman was gone a lot because of work. So she had found refuge here, and the three mismatched personalities created their own version of a family. This lovely little place had become as much of her home as the original, if not more.

Stiles cautiously exited the car. He felt like a stranger, how odd is that? Feeling as though you don't belong at your own home.

He stayed silent, this hasn't been home for quite some time.

Stiles then turned to retrieve Zeus who was patiently waiting to be released from the back seat. Lydia had already made her way up to the front door, Zeus now trailing close behind. Stiles noticed the girl grinning from ear to ear, while his furry companion wagged his tail in excitement. Both seemed so happy, so calm, but he didn't. It seemed bizarre how nervous he felt. Stiles only came home on occasion, usually meaning holidays. So what about this was making him feel so uneasy? Was it because there no holiday, or did it have something to do with the strawberry blonde who was already knocking on the front door.

Before Lydia could get a second knock in, footsteps echoed within the house, and then grew quiet. The door swung open, and there stood Sheriff Stilinski, uniform and all.

"Lydia Martin. You get more beautiful each time I see you." The sheriff pulled the petite girl in front of him into a hug. "How are you?"

Lydia's smile only grew as she hugged the older gentleman. "I'm doing well, just keeping busy. How are you?"

"Wonderful! How could I be anything less? I'm marrying this wonderful lady tomorrow."

Melissa had made her way to the door as the two were conversing. Lydia flashed her a smile, "Hello Melissa." She also gave the woman a hug.

"Hello Lydia, I'm so happy you could make it this weekend."

"You couldn't keep me away if you tried! I've been rooting for you two since day one."

It was then when Lydia noticed Stiles awkwardly standing behind her. He seemed nervous.

I'm sure he wants a moment with his dad.

"Please excuse me, it's been a long car ride and I need to stretch my legs. I'm sure Zeus does too. Come on Zeus." She motioned the dog to follow her, and he did happily.
Turning around, she started making her way back to the Jeep. As she passed Stiles, Lydia gave him a reassuring smile, one that said "it's going to be okay." He returned her smile with a weak one of his own.

The three stood there for a moment, no one really knowing what to say.

"Hi Stiles, I'm glad you could make it. I'm going to go check on dinner, but we can check up later?" Melissa was the one to speak up, and Stiles nodded at her nervously. She sent him one of her friendly smiles, and made her way back inside.

And then there were two.

Stiles had his eyes on his shoes, not really sure what to say.

"You never mentioned having a dog before." His fathers voice was what finally brought Stiles to take his sight off his beat up Adidas, and meet his father's eyes for the first time in what seemed to feel like forever.

"Never came up I guess. Zeus is good company." Anxiety clung to the boy's chest with each word. He felt pathetic being so nervous around his own dad.
"I see you've acquired other company as well." The elder gentleman nodded towards the girl who was currently playing with Zeus in the front lawn. "Is there anything going on between you two or?"

"N-no dad nothing like that. She just happened to live in the same building as me, we reconnected or whatever. Strictly friendship." Stiles stopped himself from letting his words run in circles which caused the sheriff to laugh.
"All these years later and I'm still rooting for you two." He placed a hand on his son's shoulder.

"Thanks for coming home son." Stiles gave him a small smile, and a wave of guilt crashed over him. After all these years he felt like a shitty son. "I'm happy to be here." Once again Stiles couldn't find his voice, but the reassuring smile on his father's face showed that he had heard him. It still felt strange being back home, but something told him that maybe this time, things would turn around.

I want to immediately apologize for not updating Wednesday. As I had posted, I had a really important test and just didn't have the time to finish this chapter/edit. I will continue with my apology because I don't know if the next chapter will be uploaded on time as well. Exams are around the corner, and I have to keep my school work first. My third apology is about this length/quality of this chapter. I really just wanted to get something uploaded this week. Besides my apologies I would like to thank you all once again for reading my little story. It means the world to me. Comments, Thoughts? Suggestions? Let me know! Thank you once again.

Until the next chapter, lots of love

xxx fictionaddict

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