"Uh, sure, that's no problem." She glanced back at Alyn and Marin, waving as she was pulled away by Miles.

As soon as they were a decent distance from the two, Alyn let go of Marin's mouth, but had to hold him back as soon as he did. "Chill, bro!"

"That's my Adrienne, he can't touch her like that!" Marin growled, trying to stomp over to the two.

"Marin, I hate to break it to you, but she's not your Adrienne, yet. You haven't asked her to prom, so--"

Marin slapped his cheeks, cutting off Alyn from speaking any further. "Miles is going to ask her to prom! I have to stop that from happening! That cannot happen!" He broke from Alyn's grip and ran after Adrienne, who was leaving the school.

He followed them to the park. He watched the two from behind the corner of a building. "How can I stop them? I didn't think this through." He was about to slap his cheeks once more when he thought of an idea. "Tikki!" Marin grabbed his bag and opened it.

"Marin, I think you need to approach her as Marin. I don't think she can go to the prom with Ladybeetle..." Tikki tried to reason before Marin did something incredibly stupid.

"Not a chance. I can barely talk to her as Marin. And besides, the dance is a masquerade party. And I'm much better at communicating with her as Ladybeetle. And she at least thinks I'm cool. She has me as her phone background."

"Doesn't every girl?"

"No. And, I need to meet Chat for patrol in 5 minutes. I'll just be a little late." He took a deep breath. "Okay, Tikki. Spots on."

Tikki let out a small sigh, but then transformed Marin to Ladybeetle.

Marin took yet another deep breath and walked over to Adrienne and Miles. He approached them from behind and put a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, I know you." He wrapped an arm around her waist, much similar to how Miles did, and pulled her closer to him. But more importantly, away from Miles. He watched with glee as resentment showed on Miles face and Adrienne's cheeks lit up a light red and her eyes sparkled.

Miles was not happy, but Adrienne definitely was. She seemed more than thrilled to see him. "L-Ladybeetle." Adrienne had a bright smile on her face. One that was not there when she was talking to Miles.

"Hey, Adrienne, who's your friend?" Ladybeetle grinned, knowing that this would throw her off completely, seeing as though Miles had lied about knowing him.

"You don't know him? He said that you two..." Adrienne looked between the two, completely confused as to what was going on. "I thought you knew him, Miles. That's what you said."

"I do know him! If you knew him, you'd know that he's a jokester." Miles laughed, glaring at the hero as he pulled Adrienne back to be closer to him.

Adrienne furrowed her brow and pushed Miles' hand away. "I do know him, and he isn't one to be that much of a jokester."

Ladybeetle found it incredibly hilarious that she was telling Miles off like she was. He didn't even have to say much. But as to how Adrienne would know that he isn't one for jokes was beyond him. He decided to look over it, seeing it as just a small mistake on her part. "He's not your boyfriend, right?" He had to ask. He needed to know if Miles had asked her to prom yet or not.

"Boyfriend? N-No, he's just a friend. Why do you ask?" It was as though Adrienne's conversation with Miles had completely vanished from her priority list. She was gazing at Ladybeetle with a starstruck look.

This was the side of Adrienne that was just too adorable to miss. Seeing her get so shy and nervous around him made him feel a little better about getting shy and nervous around her. "I just wanted to know if I was going to have any competition." He chuckled as he watched Adrienne's face turn red. But it wasn't like her normal blush though. Since her skin was so pale, it was more of a faded red.

"Competition? You mean that you--"

"Why are you here talking to a few people when you should be protecting people who are in danger?" Miles interrupted Adrienne, standing between the two to create a barrier between them, preventing the two from being close. He didn't physically move Ladybeetle, but he was willing to create that wall between them.

Ladybeetle wanted to push him away as he watched Adrienne's expression change to a much more depressed one. He nearly growled in annoyance, but he had to keep his composure. "I'm just patrolling. Waiting for Chat to get here."

Luckily, he didn't notice when Adrienne's eyes widened, realizing she had completely forgotten that she was supposed to meet him for patrol at 3:00. She knew she'd have to find an excuse to leave soon. "Hey, Miles, what time is it?"

Miles pulled out his phone and checked the time. "It's 2:57."

"Really? I need to get going or I'll be late." She started to leave when Miles grabbed her wrist with a tight grip and pulled her back. They were facing each other, no more than a couple inches separating them. He was starting to lean in, much to the other male's disapproval.

"Why are you leaving so soon? I don't recall you having any plans."

"I have a photoshoot that I really need to get to. It starts at 3, and I can't be late again or my mother will probably kill me."

"A kiss goodbye?" Miles leaned in, closing his eyes. She looked clearly uncomfortable.

"Nope, you heard her, she has a photoshoot she needs to be at." Ladybeetle placed his hand over Adrienne's lips, blocking Miles from doing what he had intended, much to the annoyance of said person.

Adrienne smiled and turned away to leave, waving to the blue eyed male before leaving.

Miles sighed as he watched her leave. Then, as soon as she was out of sight, he turned to the hero and glared at him. "You ruined my chances of asking her out before someone else beat me to it. Do you realize what you've done?"

"Sorry, I'd love to stay and chat, but I gotta go. Can't keep Chat waiting ." He winked and used his yo-yo to swing away from the park and to the roof, leaving a very annoyed Miles.

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