Chapter 18 - Angry Gray

Start from the beginning

"I'm not promising anything. There may never be anything."

"What are you talking about?" Mira asked. Lucy was hesitated, but explained that she started noticing that her feelings for Natsu had started to develop. She didn't know if it would ever lead to something or if it would die off within a few days. Mira nodded, understandingly.

"What is it about him that you like?" She asked. Lucy's face became a darker shade of pink.

"Well, he's protective. He's caring and sweet. And, well look at him." Lucy gestured to the dragon slayer nodding along to Happy's story.

"You think he's attractive?"

"Extremely, I honestly don't understand how I didn't think so before!"

Mira laughed, "I don't think that what you're feeling is going to die off."


"No, I think it'll lead to something." She smiled, as did Lucy.

There. There's a reason to stay. She thought to herself.

You think I have a list? Her conscience replied. Okay one reason to stay, fifteen thousand to leave. Lucy mentally groaned. She spun around in her seat and found Natsu walking towards her, Happy on his shoulder. He smiled and so did she. A certain guild member noticed this and stepped in.

"Natsu! Wanna go train?" Lisanna asked. She gestured outside, at the back of the guild. Natsu hesitated but accepted the offer. The two stepped out. Lucy watched them, arm in arm. Lisanna turned around and noticed the stare. She winked and stuck out her tongue.

Such a child.

Natsu noticed this, though. He turned around and started walking towards Lucy. Waving Lisanna off as she started to protest.


He was about to ask her a question before Gray stepped towards the two.

"Fire Breath, what did you do to my shirt?!"

"What do you mean?"

"It smells like lavender fabric softener!" He exclaimed. Lucy raised an eyebrow. Is it really that big of a deal?

"Uh, I washed it." Lucy stated. Natsu and Gray were head to head in a name calling argument. Gray turned to her, confused.


"I washed it. This morning. I didn't think it would be a big deal." He was silent.

"Oh. I'm. . . Sorry. I over reacted."

"It's fine." She was about to ask why he was so mad at Natsu, but a water mage intervened. Crushing him with a hug. "Natsu?"


"Walk me home?"


• • •

Lucy was sprawled out on her couch with a bowl of strawberries and raspberries. Natsu and Happy were sitting next to her on the floor. They were watching the news. The king was becoming harder on his troops. Clips of different wizards and soldiers training were shown. The news anchor continued talking, but at the end, she said something that caught the groups attention.

"Tomorrow, we will be having an interview with one of the most promising soldiers of His Majesty's army, Adrian Carrio."

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