I began driving without hesitation. I so was not about to die today.

"Who are you?", I asked once she moved the gun.

"Lisa. I'm a hunter. I hunt down vampires who are apart of the rebellion. There's only two left in existence but I could never find them", she replied.

"The rebellion. What rebellion?", I asked.

"Centuries ago there were vampires who went against the royals rules. This creating rebels and a rebellion", she replied.

"So basically Kane is a rebel?", I asked.

"Leader of the rebels. Him and some other vampire but I don't know the other one", she replied.

"Are the rebels dangerous?", I asked.

"They're very dangerous. They can make you join their side with their persuasion. Trust me. They tried getting me on their side but it didn't work", she said.

"Lisa how do you know so much of the rebels?", I asked.

"I used to be one. Ever since that day the king asked me to hunt them down even though I was one myself, I didn't turn it down. He told me don't stop until I hunted and killed every single one of them. Then suddenly one day I just quit rebelling and started listening to what others had to say instead of just rebelling", she replied.

"So basically they just rebel on what the royals say?", I asked.

"Pretty much. Glad I turned on them but now they want me dead. If they kill me and the royal family, they'll take over and ruin the vampire and human world", she replied.

"I'm just glad I didn't turn into one of them myself. I don't know what Cole would've thought of me", Connor said.

"You know the king?", Lisa asked. 

"Yeah. We were best friends before I left and we still are", he replied.

"So you have connections?", she asked.

"I have only one. That's through Kane probably but if he knows someone that knows Cole then that's the only connection I have to him", he replied.

We drove in silence for the next few hours. I heard light snoring from Connor. His head rested on his palm which was leaning against the window.

"So tell me how you and him got together", Lisa said.

"It wasn't anything special. Kane came to our school and tried to hurt me. By that I mean turning me or killing me. Connor stayed to protect me. One thing led to another and we started loving each other. I couldn't be happier", I explained.

"That's so sweet", she said.

"Yeah. Then I figured out we're mates which didn't surprise me because I love him so much. I'd die for him. I'd give him everything if it means being with him. Heck I'd even turn now if I had to", I said.

"Turn right", the gps said.

"What a coincidence", I laughed.

She laughed right along with me which made Connor stir in his sleep. I stopped laughing and looked at him. He looks so peaceful when he's sleeping. 

"I bet you they're in Aden waiting to kill me", she said. 

"What if they kill you and the royals?", I asked. 

"Then we're all gonna be under their control human or vampire we're useless against them", she replied. 

"What if they do take over?", I asked. 

"Then the human race will no longer exist. Every human will be turned and all the vampires will have to bow down to them. The royals can't stop them so how are we supposed to?", she asked. 

"We fight back. Take what's ours and don't stop fighting until we beat them", I replied. 

"It's no use. We have no power against them", she said. 

"Good to know", I said. 

Another three hours of driving and Connor woke up. He looked at me and then Lisa and then back at me. This went on for what seemed like forever. 

"Well look who's finally awake so he can drive", I said. 

"How long was I sleeping?", he asked. 

"Just about 12 hours", I replied.

"Want me to drive?", he asked. 

I forgot to mention how deep but hot his voice sounds when he wakes up. It's like if Edward Cullen was flirting with Bella and Stefan Salvatore did a combination of both their voices together. Just let that sink in. Hot right?

"Yeah come on", I replied parking on the side of the street. 

We both got out and exchanged places. I rested my head on  the window and let darkness consume me. 

Hey guys just a quick update. For those of you who are trying to do the cover contest I am so so sorry but I'm cancelling it. I want to wait until the book is finished and see how many people actually read it towards the last chapter which is so far away. At this rate the way I'm writing the contest probably won't happen until maybe later this month or mid June. So if you guys want the book to be finished faster please comment what you want to happen next and I'll take it into consideration. Thank you guys so much for reading and don't forget to comment, vote or follow me. Don't be shy/ silent readers. With love flambo456 out. Bye! <3 

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