Chapter 2

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The next morning sucked ass. I woke up later than what I was supposed to, because my phone fell off my bed and somehow got under a pillow, so I didn't hear it when it went off. Since I didn't have much time to get ready, I just threw on my Bring Me the Horizon Tee, black skinny jeans, and black converse. I quickly put my makeup on and pulled my hair up in pigtails. I grabbed my stuff and poured myself a cup of coffee in a little to go cup and headed out the door. I got to school and found Noel sitting under our tree, good I don't want preppy bitches sitting there. I sat next to her and gave her the CD.

"Did you listen to it?" She asked.

"Yes and they really are amazing, but my stupid mother told me not to listen to them." I replied.

"What? Why would she ever do that?"

"I don't know, but you should've seen her reaction when she knew I was listening to them. She flipped out." I explained. "She even told me that if she ever caught me with another MCR CD, she was going to destroy it."

"Damn, no offense but you mom is a fucking bitch." Noel commented.

"I'd be offended if you didn't say that." I said.

"Why does your mom hate My Chem?" Noel asked.

"That's something I want to know. She's never gotten this way with any of the other bands I listen to. I mean she lets me listen to Blood on the Dance Floor and you know how explicit their music is. Looks like I have a little mystery to solve, the only problem is, I don't even know where to begin."

My Dad Is....Who? [My Chemical Romance Fan Fiction]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz