Chapter 9

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God this is killing me! Ever since I found out that Gerard was my real dad, I've been trying to figure out why he left, did he really hate my mom and saw me as a drunken mistake, or was there something else. I figured the only way I could find out was if I talk to him, but how? I can't go on the Internet and see if I can find his phone number. I could write a letter and send it to him, but then he might think I'm just some crazy fan trying to say he's my dad. I guess the best way is to talk to him is in person, but how in hell am I gonna get the money to go to California. I can maybe get a job, but I'm only 14, so it looks like I'm going to be selling lemonade on the sidewalk, but what about my mom? There is no way she was gonna let me go to California to see Gerard. God this sucks.

The next day was my birthday, yes I finally turned 15, only three more years left. I woke up and my mom gave me my gift, it was a new We Came As Romans CD and an autograph poster of Of Mice & Men. Hell yes! My day was going good and it was about to get better. I got off the bus at school and whent in the courtyard to find Noel, sadly our tree was taken by a gay couple making out under it, but I didn't care, I was far to happy to yell at them and besides, they were really cute together. I found Noel standing by the brick wall of the school.

"Hi Noel!" I said as I ran up to her.

"Hey Abby, Happy Birthday." She said.

"Thanks." I was out of breath.

"I got you a little something." Noel said, handing me a colorful bag.

"Aww Noel, you didn't have to do that."

"Of course I did, now open it!" She squealed.

I took it the tissue paper and saw a black, hard covered sketch book. "Oh my god, this is so awesome!" I said.

"Oh there's more, look inside."

I opened the book to the first page and saw a coach plane ticket to California. I was speechless.


"It's so you can finally meet your dad and get the truth." Noel said.

"How did you afford this?" I asked.

"My mom is friends with a travel agent and she got a discount. Sorry it's not first class." Noel replied.

"This is perfect. Thank you so much!" I said, and gave my most amazing friend in the world a hug.

This was it, the day I've been waiting for, I finally get to meet my dad.

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