Chapter 10

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The morning of my flight, I made sure I woke up at least an hour earlier than when my mom wakes up. I had my stuff packed the night before so I gathered it up, grabbed my ticket, grabbed my sketch book (I need something to do on the plane) and I quietly snuck out the door. I walked to the nearest bus stop and waited for the bus to take me to the air port. As soon as I got there, I handed the lady at the desk my ticket and sat in the waiting room. I waited 30 minutes before they announced the plane to California was boarding. I got on the plane and took my seat, I then took my headphones out and played some My Chemical Romance, hey my dad is the lead singer so cut me some slack. The flight was long, I didn't arrive till noon, and all I did was draw a really awesome picture of me and Gerard.

I got off the plane and grabbed my luggage. Okay, California was beautiful, no wonder famous and rich people live here. I headed to the front of the air port and yelled for a cab. It took about four times, but I finally called one. I got in and handed the driver the address I found on Gerard's twitter. It didn't take but 20 minutes till I was standing in front of Gerard Way's house. I quickly paid the driver and got my stuff out of the trunk. I took a deep breath and walked up the driveway to the front door.

"Okay Abby, you can do this." I slowly raised my hand and rang the doorbell.

Holy shit, what the fuck did I just do? I can't do this. Yes I can, I rode on a plane for at least five hours to get here. No, it's too much. What if he rejects me again. Okay just calm down and take a deep breath.........never mind I can't do this. Abort mission, abort, abort.

I started to walk down the stairs of the front porch when I suddenly heard the click of the lock. I turned around and saw the door slowly open.

"Hello? Can I help you?"


A/N: MWAHAHAHAHA, cliff hanger. Well thanks so much for all the reads I got for this story. Please vote and leave a comment. Thanks.

But wait. What's gonna happen to Gerard and Abigail? Well to tell you all the truth, your gonna find out in the sequel to My Dad Is....Who?

My Dad Is....Who? [My Chemical Romance Fan Fiction]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu