Chapter 8

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I walked home, because thanks to Amber and her brain washed bitches beating me up and locking me in the janitor's closet, I missed my fucking bus, making me 2 hours late it get home. As I finally made it to my drive way, I saw my mom's car. Fuck. I slowly opened the door and tried to sneak in, but apparently nothing gets past my mom.

"And where the hell have you been young lady?" My mom asked.

"No where." I grumbled and walked to my room.

My mom grabbed my arm and turned me around to face her. "What happened to you?" She asked

"I ran into a door." I replied.

"A door doesn't give you black eye like that, or a busted lip." My mom said.

"Okay fine. I got beat up. What's it matter to you anyway?" I said.

"It matters to me because I am your mother. Who did this to you?"

"It's was just these three girls at school. It's not a big deal." I said.

"Yes it. Now why would they do this to you?" My mom asked.

I didn't answer, I just looked away as I felt tears spring in my eyes.

"Abigail Marie Johnson, why would they beat you up.?"

"Because mom if you haven't noticed, I'm a total freak." I said.

"Oh honey, you are not a freak." My mom said, about to give me a hug, but I pushed her away.

"Yes I am mom! I am a freak! Nobody at school talks to me! Noel is my only friend! Robert doesn't even look at me! And last, my real father didn't even want me!" I exclaimed, bursting into tears.

"Abigail.." My mom started.

"Oh shut up mom. Don't give me that bullshit about Gerard having a reason to leave us, because you said yourself that he didn't want me. You hate his fucking guts." I cried.

"First of all, don't you ever talk to me like that, and second, yes I hate Gerard. I hated him since the day he walked away, but just because he didn't want you doesn't make you a freak. You are a beautiful young girl and people are too dumb to see that." My mom said.

I wiped away my tears and gave my mom a hug. "Thank you mom."

"You're welcome. And even though I hate to say this, but you really are just like your father." My mom said.

"You know, Noel said the same thing." I said.

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