▶ Chapter #2: Deep rooted sins.

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Chapter #2: Deep rooted sins.

A/N: 2/3's of the book is finished. I hope you enjoy this as much as i did writing it.

And there's nothing that i can do, except bury my love for you. --Jaymes Young.

"Focus on the matter that takes place now." His two son's ignore Bernard's protest about their behavior, "i am you boths father, you will cut the childish antics this instant. You are adults with worse manners than a toddler's!"

"It's alfonse fault-"

Bernard cut Barthélmy off mid-rant to scold his red faced son again for the exact example of what he'd just mentioned not even a second ago. "I do not care. Someone needs to inform me - without vulgar words in the mix, about what has gotten you both in such a disagreeing nature. Now Alfonse, speak."

Before Barthélmy got the chance to interrupt, his father raised a hand effectively silencing and dismissing his second son out of the home office. "Father, it's not so easy to explain."

"You might find my knowledge about you two surprisingly accurate. So explain, my figlio." Bernard retorted, French accent strong, seating himself in the usual custom made chair of his choice, he'd just arrived back from a meeting with a former colleague to discuss a new development with said son in question now and how Alfonse appearance would be unwelcomed to those in business with the Bastian enterprise inc.

It wasn't that Alfonse had a record or better said is an ex-convict, no. However it was given the simple fact of the matter about what was specifically on the record. Murderer. On top of him never really being in good-gracious with law enforcement in the first place. Alfonse stiffens at his father's words nonetheless. "I, um --I am-"

"In love with my grandson, Nicolaus." Bernard correct. Alfonse knew their father was a smart cunning man, actually willing to go as far as con-artist. Nothing got past Bernard without his keen senses tingling on edge, though for Alfonse it was a burden while young it was a hell-fire as he progressed in age and became known of his father's tendencies and wicked ways.

The elder man had eyes and ears everywhere, even some on alfonse while he laid in prison for the extension of three years. Maybe that was the explanation for the absence of visitor's in the past. Regardless his father's sources of information were malicious & particular right down to the last detail and least important of matter's. One could be sure of that.

"You know-"

"Knew," The elder man utter gruffly. Piercing mahogany eyes shone with untrustworthy intentions, his father wished to gain something by this of course --the sadistic motherfucker didn't care whom his traitorous actions harmed as long as he received what was believed to be rightfully his own by default in the end. "I knew for quite awhile how --indecent your innermost thoughts are towards little Niko's innocent self. Luckily Barthélmy hasn't been made aware."

"-Father, i-i-" Would never do anything to harm niko. Is what Alfonse wished to have said but the words got caught in his throat like a fishbone. Even if the younger male of the two in this very office did manage to explain to his father he could only do so in so little words, but even those seemingly weren't enough. It simply wouldn't have shone any enlightenment to the way niko mad his heart flutter like a school boy in love. "I never meant to fall for him, especially at such a young age and given how he's my nephew. But i did. I have."

"I cannot--" The man hesitated, taking in his sons desperate demeanor with collective irises. "Fathom how Barthélmy will react to such news. But thélmy doesn't have to know such vulgarly lewd apprehensions involving niko." Bernard smiled kindly, to any outsider it was an opening to ask for advice, hope.

But Alfonse is Bernard Bastian's son. That kind smile was a lost hope waiting for it's passenger to exceed beyond rock-bottom once the individual felt as if they had no choice but to confide in Bernard and like the good samaritian he makes himself out to be Bernard would swoop in at any benefactor in order to provide just enough courage for said passenger to feel the gratitude he inflicted upon them like a caring comrade.

Then payment was due and expected to be paid in full with a fifty percent interest fee.

One way or another Bernard found a way for you to repay him. It was a scheme, fake advertisement. A hoax and Bernard played the role of a caring individual when in reality he was amongst the inhuman monsters you were warned about. And when reality hit, it went with a bang and optionally leaving you with less than you had beforehand. And that's Bernard Bastian in a good mood.

Said man raised a grayish brow to his son, "A penny for your thoughts?"

Alfonse scoffed, bitterly gazing at his father. "Like you're that generous."

"Watch it Alfonse. I am still your father and just as i created you, i can just as easily end you at any moment i so wish. Do not make me view you as an enemy." His father calmly stated. No remorse shown or hidden, just bitter reality.

Against his better judgement, Alfonse swallowed his pride with disapproval clear in his tone.

Rather having Barthélmy hate him for murdering someone than that and alongside Barthélmy who knew of the worser skeletons in his closet. Feeling that was it a rational decision on his part, logical brainstorming was what he needed most. Even if the ending results meant selling himself to Bernard. At least he would get to see niko still. "What is your proposal?"

Elder bastian smiled genuinely. Only inducing the paranoia Alfonse experience many times over but always expected since age ten. Bernard stood, his shadow looming over his son's like a intimidating buildings. Stepping sideways and strided his way to the younger male. "I am glad your brainwork has not ceased it's natural functions while away in prison and you can still theorize properly." The atmosphere felt as if it were shifting under the pressure of him, let any of the men in business industry who've met Bernard Bastian in person tell you-- The man's presence alone could silence a room.

You would know wouldn't you. "I, too." Alfonse whispers, careful not to react to the purposely placed insult to himself. And just like that his fate was sealed.


A/N: Lil Niko will be in the next and last chapter. I am enjoying this book so much that i am thinking of forgetting aboth the 3-chapter's only rule, but i think I'll stick with it. 😏

XoXo Chibi-Shota-Queen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2016 ⏰

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