▶ #Description.

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A french gentlemen by the name of Alfonse Bastian, arrives at his family's welcoming old manor estate. Only, majority of said family as per usual aren't actually so welcoming themselves.

Especially his brother Barthélmy. Not forgetting to mention the family friend Peter who seems quite keen on ruining Alfonse life, for good this time, and Barthélmy might just add his own addition to that plan, once he finds his brothers most kept secret.

Though with alfonse back against the wall and most of his la famille against him, one person in particular still believes in him. Sweet little Nicolaus, whose growth even astonished the boy himself. There's also a common problem to Nicolaus too.

Alfonse brothers son and his nephew --Nicolaus augustine.

And suddenly all feelings of pure lust surges Alfonse once again. Feelings he knew that were forbidden.

"Set me free from your grasp. I beg of you. This is reality Nicolaus?! I cannot....will not do this!" Alfonse urged, needing to create much space between their both nearly touching bodies.

Nicolaus easily pulled the elder man closer, their lips a breath away. Doughy lime green eye's brought about appealing shudders from Alfonse, shudders that he refuses to acknowledge, though his body held different intentions, very lewd intentions at that. "....forbidden never felt so free. And hell never felt so safe, let me show you my personal haven...." Nicolaus whispered, before either of them began the intimate gesture the squeaky hinges rattled.

"Alfonse, what are you doing to my son." Barthélmy barked, lunging for his deceiving brother.

[The caress of your touch is like forbidden ecstasy.....i crave more.] - D. O. A. B.



This is yet again another random short-story. 3 chapter's or less. I will hopefully get around to updating the last chapter of °Tattooed promises° Enjoy!

Deception Of A Brother. [ManxMan]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant