Good Boys

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"We can't skip!" I protested as Billie tugged me down the hall.

"Why not?" He asked.

"They'll know. So let's just go to the class, we don't even have to do work but we gotta go." I sighed. Billie pulled a face and nodded, and we walked to Math and sat down.

"I'm not doing any work." Billie mused, taking his pen and beginning to chew on it.

"Same, bro." I laughed, flicking my pen, laughing more when it hit a girl and then apologizing. 

"Billie Joe, work please." The teacher said as he watched us. Billie simply shook his head. "Do  it." The teacher added.

"No. What's the point?" Billie questioned, folding his arms behind his head. The teacher went red with anger as the class went 'oooooh'.

"The point, you little punk, is you're in god damn school so you should do the damn work. You've been getting away with no work since your dad died, because everyone felt sorry for you, but I won't accept that. It's been a year, you should be over it by now." The teacher snarled. I watched the look in Billie's eyes as the class went silent. Anger bubbled in his eyes, but I watched as it turned to sadness as Billie spoke.

"You can't fucking say that about my dad! He was my best friend and I'll never be over it. Ever!" And with that, Billie raised a fist and swung it forward, smashing it into Sir's face before grabbing his backpack and storming off. Everyone looked at me. 

"I'm sorry, but people come here to learn. They don't come here to deal with your shit." I said, before grabbing my bag and running after Billie.

I found him outside, sitting on the wall.

"Billie?" I approached him carefully.

"Asshole. Fucking asshole." He was muttering. "I hate him!" He yelled suddenly, jumping off the wall before punching it hard.

"Hey hey!" I shouted, grabbing his fist. To my surprise he turned around and pulled me close to him, wrapping his arms around my middle in a hug, clinging to me. "S'alright." I muttered, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and holding him close. But then he started crying.

Not just sniffles, proper shake-you-up-until-you-can't-breathe crying. 

He buried his face in my chest and cried hard, and I had no idea what to do or say. He was literally sobbing, to a point where he couldn't breathe properly. All I could do was hold him, rocking him gently from side to side.

 "You've gotta calm down Billie." I murmured, patting his back where his shoulders met.

"C-can't!" He panicked, squirming.

"Yes you can," I insisted. "Just breathe."

He did as he was told and took several deep breaths.

I knew what it was about; his dad. But that had never happened to me, hell I didn't even know my real mom and dad.

And even weirder, I had just met this kid today and I already feel like I've known him forever, I mean I already knew about his past and how to calm him down when he's upset. That's two big things on the list of friendship. I felt a warm feeling spread through me as Billie sniffed, calming down and then snuggled up to me like a puppy that wanted attention, burying his face in my neck. I moved to sit down against the wall with him, and he just lay against me for a while before I heard him mutter

"Thank you'.

This is what he needed, someone to hold him and comfort him when shit got tough.

He's got me now.

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