Touring with my Brother (Craig Mabbitt)

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Kat's POV

"Thank you so much for letting me come, Ronnie." I said gathering my bags and putting them by my front door. "No problem. Just please stay safe." He said. "You know I will. I got my big brother with me to protect me." I said hugging him. He hugged me back. "Let's go have some fun." He said as the bus pulled up. The ride to the first venue took forever. I was so happy to get off the bus. I ran around outside as all the guys laughed at me. "Hey, I don't like being stuck inside all the time." I said as I ran. I crashed into something well more like someone. "Sorry." I said rubbing my head. "No, I'm sorry." The guy said helping me up. "Hey Craig." Ronnie said coming over. "Hey, this Kat?" Craig asked. "Yes, this is my little sister." Ronnie said hugging me. I blushed. Craig bent down and picked something up. "Here's your glasses." He said handing them to me. "Thanks." I said placing them back on my face. "Kat, we have to go to sound check. Want to come?" Ronnie asked. "Uh, I think I will go meet the other bands. If it is cool with Craig maybe he could take me to meet them." I said. "Sure, I get a chance to know you better." Craig said smiling. He took my hand and we headed off to a bus. "This is Survive This. They are super nice and they're from Vegas like Ronnie and you." He said. I smiled and we walked onto the bus. The guys all said hi to Craig. "Guys, this is Ronnie's sister, Kat. Kat, this is Shawn, Daniel, AJ and Billy." Craig said. I waved and they were all super sweet. I got meet Chelsea Grin and Alex is most likely going to be my best friend by the end of tour. "Wanna go meet my band?" Craig asked. "Uh sure. I actually haven't seen Max since every thing happened all those years ago." I said. "Don't worry. I'm sure every thing will be fine. He is a changed man." He said. I nodded and he interlaced his fingers with mine leading me to his bus. I couldn't help but smile. "Oh sorry." Craig said noticing he was holding my hand. "Don't be. It's fine." I said smiling. He smiled and we climbed onto the bus. "Kat?" Max said. "Hey Max." I said. He ran over and hugged me tightly then kissed my cheek. I saw Craig get a little mad. "I'm so happy to see you. I am so sorry for everything that happened." He said. "It's fine, Max. I am just happy to see you doing better." I said. "Thanks. I am happy to be better. Let me go get Rob. He will be so happy to see you too." Max said running off to the back of the bus. "Are you alright?" I started to say but I was pushed up against the bus door and I felt lips on mine. "Oh god. I'm sorry. I was so jealous of seeing you with Max." Craig said starting to babble. I grabbed his face and kissed him back. "It is more than alright." I said. He smiled and pecked my lips. I caught up with Rob and Max and met all the new guys. Through out the tour, Craig and I got closer. I would spend nights on his bus. Ronnie thought I was hanging out with Max and Rob but I was really with Craig. I don't know how Ronnie will react to me and Craig. "We should probably tell your brother." Craig said playing with my hand and fingers. "Probably but I like keeping the secret between us and the guys. And I like the way your handsome face looks when it isn't black and blue." I said. He laughed and kissed me. "I don't think Ronnie will punch me." He said. "I hope he doesn't." I said. He smiled. "I love you." He said. "I love you too." I said leaning in to kiss him when the bus door opened. "I knew it!" I heard. I looked up and saw Ronnie standing in the doorway. "Ryan, you owe me 20 dollars." He yelled behind him. Ryan came onto the bus. "You are lying." Ryan said. "What's going on?" Criag asked. "Are you two dating?" Ryan asked. "Yes." I said confused. "See you owe me 20 dollars." Ronnie said. "You placed bets on if we were together?" I asked. "Well yeah, you two have been extremely close all tour." Ronnie said. I rolled my eyes and rested my head on Craig's shoulder. "You realize I kill you if you hurt my baby sister." Ronnie said. "I know. I don't plan on hurting her ever." Craig said kissing my forehead. I smiled and kissed him. "Well I'm gonna leave before I throw up from all this mushy crap." He said climbing off the bus. "Thanks for making me lose 20 dollars." Ryan said following Ronnie. "Love you too Ryan." I yelled after him. "Well now that Ronnie knows I get to kiss you all the time." Craig said kissing me all over my face. I began laughing and hugged him close to me. "I love you." I said. "I love you too Kat." He said.

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