Halloween Party (Ryan Sitkowski)

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Salem's POV

It's finally my favorite time of the year. FALL! It is also my favorite holiday, which is Halloween. My table of friends is having a party tonight. I love all my friends but there is just one guy at the table that I don't get along with. We've avoided each other all 4 years of college. I just feel Ryan doesn't really like me. He never seems to show interest in me and it kind of hurts since we're all supposed to be friends. Chris and Ricky have tried to reassure me that Ryan doesn't have a problem with me but how come he never wants to talk to me. Ash was coming over with Devin and Nikki to get ready for the party. Chris and Ricky are throwing the party at their place. I was going as a sexy witch and Devin was going to help me with my makeup while Ash did my hair. Nikki was just coming along because he loves being around me. He knows I only think of him as an older brother. "Do you think maybe Ryan will talk to me tonight?" I asked. "Maybe, who knows what goes on in Ryan's head." Ash said. I chuckled and went to get dressed since they finished my hair and makeup. Devin took my hand as I stepped into my heels. "Thanks babe." I said kissing his cheek. "Anything for you lover." He said. We laughed and headed to Chris and Ricky's. Those damn boys need to admit their feelings for one another or I'm gonna beat them up then lock them in a closet until they are together. Once we got to the party I was handed a drink instantly. I saw Ryan hanging out with Vinny and Jeremy. I walked over to say hello and he just walked away. I sighed and continued on over to at least say hi to Vinny and Jeremy. I was wandering around aimlessly after being here for three hours. I was on my fourth mixed drink. I heard a noise coming from the bathroom. I opened the door to find Ricky and Chris making out. "Fucking finally!" I yelled. Ricky blushed and hid his face in Chris's chest. "Yes Salem, we are dating. Happy now?" Chris asked. "Yes, I am. Thank you. Love you my little raccoon." I said to Ricky. "Love you too Salem." Ricky said. I shut the door and walked into the living room. Ryan seemed distracted so I sat on the couch next to him and it was the only seat available. I was exhausted and way too drunk by now. "Ryan, carry her to a bed. Chris is occupied and you are the only one strong enough." Ryan Ashley said. I heard Ryan mumble an answer before I passed out. I woke up the next morning dazed and confused. I found arms wrapped around my waist and my head on someone's chest. I looked up and saw Ryan. I let out a shocked gasp. He stirred a little and brought me closer to him. I smiled and snuggled into him. I felt so safe in his arms and I didn't want to move any time soon. "I see you are finally awake." Ryan said softly. I nodded and started to move away but he brought me right back to him. "Please don't leave. I am really sorry for my past actions over the years. I really like you Salem. And I hope you really like me too." He said. He tipped my chin up towards him and brought his lips down on mine. I instantly kissed back wrapping my arms around his neck to the best of my ability. "Wow." I said once we stopped kissing. "Be mine?" Ryan asked. I nodded and kissed his cheek. "Well did you ask her?" Balz asked as him and all of Motionless burst into the room. "Yeah, I did." Ryan said smiling kissing my head. "Awe they're together." Ash yelled. I blushed hiding my face in his chest. "Be careful with her Sitkowski. I care for her as if she is my sister." Jeremy said. "I'm pretty sure all you guys do and I swear I'll never hurt this beautiful angel." Ryan said. I smiled and kissed him softly. "Now can we be left alone." I said. Everyone left the room and shut the door. I cuddled back closer to Ryan. "I would like to sleep off this hangover in your arms now." I said. "I think I can deal with that." Ryan said wrapping his arms back around me. I giggled and rested my head back on his chest. Soon I was fast asleep again knowing I was safe in my boyfriend's arms.

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