3. I Just Can't Wait To Be King (Music Nation)

Start from the beginning

"I've got an idea." She grinned. 


Within 30 minutes flat, Skyfire had flown in Raoul, Spike, Jazz, Soundwave, Blaster, and Hound by Andrew's request. The three Autobots and Ex-Con kept their alt modes down in the tunnels below the park, while their holoforms  got ready with the rest of the band, putting the final touches on their costumes and getting their instruments ready. 

"What's the point in dressing up?" Raoul spoke up. "We're just going to end up transforming into our armour, anyway, right?" 

"Perhaps, but it doesn't hurt to have a little more style before hand," Daphine replied, adjusting the boy's bandanna on his forehead. "There, you're all set."

"Where did Vaughan go?" Spike asked. 

"She left to talk to Hound about something," Jazz answered. "She said she'd meet us up on stage before we start playing." 

"She better, we're on in just a minute," Josh replied. "Everyone from the Foundation is in the audience right now." 

"Then let's head on up there now, and meet up with her." Josh stated, twirling a pair of drum sticks with his fingers. "It's show time!" 

The members of Music Nation left their dressing room as they made their way through one of the tunnels and into the backstage area. Just before they were about to go up on stage, footsteps caught their attention as a familiar brunette ran towards them. 

"Sorry I'm late!"

"You're right on time, Vaughan." Jazz smiled. 

"You ready?" Andrew asked her. 

"I was born ready!" She cheered. 

"So why did you invite Hound down here?" Daphine asked with curiosity. "Where is he?"

"Oh, you'll find out soon enough," Vaughan grinned as she waved her hand for them to follow her. "Come on!" 

The rest of the band followed the girl out to the stage where they were met with a loud applause of the Make-A-Wish kids, their families, and a few park guests here and there. 

"Thanks for coming out everyone, we have an awesome performance for you all," Vaughan smiled as she looked over at Raoul. "Let's kick it!"

Raoul howled with excitement as he began playing, strumming his guitar strings quickly in a strange pattern. He did this for a few moments before Josh joined in on the drums, playing the same melody as Raoul, but with a few added beats from the base pedal. Then the music started getting more intense as Soundwave joined in playing a higher pitched version of Raoul's melody, followed by Jazz strumming along on the bass. 

As the boys played along, more wandering guests seemed to take interest in the music as more people started to come closer to the stage, joining in with the wide audience. 

Then Josh pounded the sticks onto the drum set, before the band played the beginning melody of the song, Andrew joining in as he slapped his tambourine to the beat with Josh, Daphine playing her keytar to the melody with Raoul and Soundwave. 

It was the tune to a well known song from a certain Disney film. 

Spike was the first to step up to the microphone, grabbing it in his hand as he swooped down, kneeling on the floor of the stage, pointing his finger out to the crowd of people as he scanned the entire audience. 

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