"This is still so surreal," Jackie said. Having a tiny human, half her and half Harry, was the most special experience in the entire world. Instantly, Jackie felt a more intense love for her daughter than she had ever felt in her life. "Have you seen the crowd? I think its only gotten bigger."

Harry nodded. "When you were asleep last night I arranged for some of the aides to bring coffee to the people who have been camped out since the beginning of July."

"That's sweet," said Jackie, smiling at her husband. Fatherhood suited him well- he was actually excited to learn the ropes of diaper changing, and held Mary Kate whenever he had the chance.

A knock came from the door. Harry opened it, stepping aside to make room very two very excited women- Elizabeth and Jackie and Kate's favorite hairstylist, Amanda Cook Tucker.

"Oh, look!" Elizabeth cooed, rushing over to Jackie's bed side. "Jackie, she's so beautiful! She looks just like you!"

"Do you think?" Jackie asked. "Will swears she looks like Harry."

"Her nose- her lips!" Elizabeth gushed. "Just like you!"

Elizabeth was gentle as she peeked under Mary Kate's hat. "Red hair!" Jackie had never seen Elizabeth in such a state as she threw her arms around Harry, pulling him in to a tight hug. "Oh, congratulations!"

Harry laughed, giving Jackie's lady in waiting a squeeze. "Thanks, Elizabeth."

Amanda Tucker admired the little princess before she got to work on Jackie's hair. Jackie was feeling surprisingly well, she was still in a bit of pain, but had showered and felt well rested. She wanted to look her best when she, Harry, and Mary Kate emerged from the doors of the Lindo Wing- it was an important moment in history. Never in the monarchy's recent history had two royal babies been born only a day a part, and she was sure that photos of the moment would be on just about every magazine for the next week.

Amanda had Jackie's hair looking wonderful in a matter of minutes. The front was pinned back so the light breeze wouldn't blow her hair in her face. Jackie had already done her own makeup, simple and clean, and dressed in a loose white and blue striped shirt dress that hid what was left of her empty baby bump. She clipped in a pair of diamond earrings the Queen had gifted her in celebration of the birth of Mary Kate and put on her mother's small diamond pendent.

"Should we get Her Highness ready?" Elizabeth asked, smiling warmly at Mary Kate.

"Sure, I've got a sweet little blanket and bonnet that Carole Middleton got for her that I want her to wear," Jackie said.

Harry was careful not to wake the baby as he gently tied the bonnet under her chin, wrapping her in the crocheted blanket. "Good?" he asked Jackie.

"She looks beautiful, as usual," Jackie cooed.

"I'll alert the guards you're coming," Elizabeth said, immediately switching into lady in waiting mode.

Harry helped Jackie stand up from the hospital bed, and thanked the palace aide on hand that promised to collect all their belongings from the room and have them ready in the car.

Then, Jackie picked up her sleeping daughter, cradling her gently.

"Ready?" Harry asked, putting an arm around Jackie's waist.

Jackie nodded, and the new family walked towards the door of the Lindo Wing. Nurses were lined up, beaming as Jackie and Harry waited just inside the doors. She could hear the dull roar of the mass of people waiting just outside, buzzing with excitement to see the new princess. Two guards nodded to the royal couple before they pushed open the doors, Jackie, Harry, and Mary Kate stepped into the spotlight.

A wave of cheering hit Jackie, and she could actually feel the sound vibrations. Mary Kate didn't stir as Jackie and Harry stood on the steps, smiling for the hundreds of cameras pointed their way. A few helicopters buzzed overhead, and Jackie was in awe of the sheer number of people who wanted to catch a glimpse of her baby.



After posing for a few more moments, Harry put a hand on Jackie's back as she carefully walked down the steps of the Lindo Wing and towards the reporters.

"Does she have a name yet?" a reporter from ABC asked.

Royal tradition was for the royal couple to wait a few days before announcing the baby's name. Even though Jackie had filled out Mary Kate's birth certificate, it wasn't yet public record. So, Harry said, "No news on that, yet, but soon."

"Have you changed any nappies yet?" another reporter asked eagerly.

"We both have," said Harry with a smile. "Though she's much better at it, of course."

"He's learning," Jackie added.

Microphones were aimed at Jackie and Harry from every angle. "Who do you think she looks like?"

"She's got her mother's good looks, thankfully," Harry answered teasingly.

Jackie shook her head quickly and laughed. "No, she's a lovely mix of both of us, I think."

"Has she met her cousin yet?" asked a reported.

Harry nodded. "Yes she has, but they didn't have much to say to each other."

After answering only a few more questions, Jackie and Harry went back inside the Lindo Wing where they strapped Mary Kate into her carseat. Jackie was careful to cover her once again with her blanket before Harry picked up the carseat in one hand and held Jackie's hand with the other.

Then, they walked out of the Lindo Wing for the last time. Jackie slid into the back seat of the waiting Range Rover and helped Harry fasten the carseat into its base that was already strapped into the car. The Windsors would be driving back to Kensington Palace before a private plane would take them to Norfolk, where they would join Will, Kate, and George in their new homes on Sandringham Estate.

She waved out the window as Harry climbed into the driver's seat. He put the car in gear before turning back to Jackie. "Ready?"

Jackie beamed, blissfully happy sitting in the car with her family of three. "Ready."


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Look for Royals: Part 5, coming soon!

Thanks MayteTruyens for the great edit of the magazine cover! 💗

Royals: Part 4Where stories live. Discover now