Chapter 4

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"I like lots of white, all neutral," Jackie said, taking in the exposed support beams of York Cottage. She and Harry had chosen the royal estate-turned-office-building as their future official residence. The "cottage" had been built in the 1800s by the Prince of Wales, later King Edward VII, Queen Elizabeth's great-grandfather, as an extra residence on Sandringham Estate for guests and staff to sleep in. More recently it had been used as office space for the Queen's staff, but she had generously offered it to Harry and Jackie as a home to raise their children in.

While Nottingham Cottage was a lovely starter home, Jackie and Harry had never planned to live there forever. Right in the hub of Kensington Palace, it didn't offer enough privacy or space for for a new family. The couple planned to spend the majority of their time in York Cottage on Sandringham Estate in Norfolk, and when they needed to be in London, they would have a part-time residence in Kensington Palace's Apartment 1B, next door to Will and Kate's part-time residence, Apartment 1A.

Of course, the antiquated mansion needed a few repairs, as well as a total makeover. The Firm approved the hiring of an interior decorator and a designer, who also happened to be redesigning Anmer Hall just across the estate for Kate. Ben Pentreath and Anne Allen were Hollywood-level in-demand designers that were working closely with Jackie and Kate to create the perfect royal family homes. Jackie and Kate had very similar senses of style, preferring simple, modern looks that still maintained the historical value of the estates.

"I agree that we should stick to light colors throughout the house, but come look at the woodwork in the formal dining room," said Ben Pentreath, leading Jackie though the construction-zone of a house. She had insisted the original moldings, woodwork, and light fixtures be left alone, as they all had a classic charm to them. Jackie had been most impressed by an absolutely stunning grand staircase, complete with ornate railings with lamps built right in. She would never have been able to match the original antique fixtures in the house with her modern style, but with the design team, Jackie felt anything was possible.

Jackie and Ben admired a massive dark wood mantlepiece over a cavernous fireplace in the dining room. Figures of women and birds and flowers were carved into it, the beautiful piece reaching all the way up to the high ceilings. "I think a rich jewel tone would really bring this piece out. I know you like light and white, but the dining room could make a statement."

Ben looked at Jackie with hopeful eyes. She let out a sigh. "Oh, alright. You're the expert."

"A deep emerald would just look so beautiful," Ben continued, holding up swatches to the mantle.

"Is all this going to be done before the baby's born?" Jackie wondered, a wave of anxiety washing over her. Ben had recently showed her the nursery, which still didn't have floors or windows.

"Of course, Your Highness," Ben insisted.

"Jackie, please, call me Jackie," Jackie reminded. She smiled. "I trust you."

"Good." Ben clapped his hands together. "We have a few more things to go over before I can let you go home."


"The blood tests came back, all clear," said Dr. Brown, Jackie and Kate's OB/GYN.

"That's great," said Jackie, leaning back onto the sitting room couch of Nottingham Cottage. The royal couple had cleared an hour during their very busy schedules for Jackie's 16 week ultrasound. It was the end of February, and Jackie had been preparing for her and Harry's Canadian-American tour, only 4 short weeks away. She had been seeing a tutor 3 days a week to brush up on Canadian and American history, learning all she could possibly need to know to impress on her first official royal tour. She and Elizabeth had been working on the perfect pregnancy wardrobe for the tour, which was just short of impossible, as Jackie's body seemed to be changing by the minute. Her chest and stomach were growing, slowly but steadily. She had no idea what size she would need in a month.

"How have you felt since I last saw you?" Dr. Brown asked, squirting some clear gel on Jackie's exposed stomach.

"Good. I've felt a bit foggy, but I know that's normal."

"She's had me go out to the store at midnight for a pint of ice cream on Saturday," Harry added.

Jackie laughed. "I suppose I have had some cravings, too."

"She'e been good at managing them," Harry said with a smile. "Only organic."

"That's right," Jackie agreed. She had totally given up junk food- even her favorite: the occasional McDonald's double cheeseburger- in the name of a healthy pregnancy. It was hard to only eat unprocessed, organic foods, but Jackie had vowed since she became a nurse that she would only eat the best during her pregnancies, after learning about the effects artificial sweeteners and heavily salted foods had on the body. "I think skipping out on caramel iced coffees has been the hardest."

"Your baby will thank you," Dr. Brown said as she pressed the ultrasound wand to Jackie's stomach. Jackie and Harry turned their attention to the portable monitor Jane had set up on their coffee table. The gray mess slowly took shape, Jackie immediately recognizing the walls of her uterus, her cervix, and her baby.

A steady thumping emitted from the monitor; the sound of the baby's heartbeat filling her own heart with joy.

"That's incredible," Harry whispered.

Jackie smiled, giving his hand a squeeze. "How long is it?"

Jane moved the wand around a bit. "Just over 12 cm, about as long as a postcard."

Jackie had seen hundreds of pregnant women during her career as a nurse, and had a great appreciation of the miracle of pregnancy. However, experiencing it for herself was totally different. She had the sudden realization that a little human, half her and half Harry, was living inside her. A chill ran down Jackie's spine as Jane zoomed in on the baby's profile, where she could make out the shape of its face.

"It looks like they've got your nose, thank god," Harry said with a laugh.

Jackie smiled. "Oh, stop."

"The baby can hear your voice rather clearly at this point, Jackie. It's thought that they can hear other louder sounds outside of the womb as well, and can pick up deeper tones. So, Harry, if you speak quite closely, it should be able to hear." Jane made a few notes of the baby's measurements. "Would you like to know the sex?"

"No," said Jackie, just as Harry said, "Of course."

The couple looked at each other with shock evident on both of their faces. "No," Jackie repeated.

"Why not?" Harry asked incredulously.

"Because its the only real surprise we'll ever have in our lives," Jackie insisted.

"But how will we know what to buy the baby?" Harry countered.

"I'm sure Elizabeth could round up an entire wardrobe while I'm in the hospital." Jackie was a bit taken aback. "I can't believe you want to know."

"And I can't believe you don't." Harry raised a brow. "I can't wait another 5 months."

Jackie pursed her lips. "Oh, c'mon."

Harry turned to Dr. Brown. "Just tell me, I won't tell her."

Jackie gave Harry a light shove. "There is no way you can keep a secret from me for that long!"

Harry groaned. "I can't wait."

Jackie shook her head with a laugh. "You can. And we'll find out in 5 months. Together."


Thank you for reading! I attached a picture of York Cottage on Sandringham Estate. Please leave any comments or suggestions!

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