Chapter 9

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"Welcome, Your Highness," President Obama greeted, giving Jackie a warm handshake.

"I'm so happy to be here, Mr. President," Jackie said with a friendly smile.

"Please, Barack, I insist."

Jackie grinned. "Alright then, Barack, call me Jackie."

Cameras flashed as the Duke and Duchess of Windsor were greeted by the President and First Lady of the United States. It was the first time Jackie had met the president face to face, though he and Michelle had sent a lovely framed photo of the construction of a 1920s New York City skyscraper as a house warming gift for Harry and Jackie's 5th Avenue apartment.

The President turned to the First Lady. "Harry, Jackie, this is my wife, Michelle."

"It's wonderful to meet you, finally," Jackie gushed, shaking the First Lady's hand in two of her's.

"You too, Jackie." The First Lady looked down at Jackie's baby bump. "You look incredible!"

Jackie grinned, placing a hand on her baby bump, which protruded from behind her oversized white gown. She felt like an angel- her hair was braided into a halo around her head, and the gauzy white material billowed out like wings when she walked. And of course, according to tradition, the a tiara sat atop Jackie's blonde hair. The Cambridge Lover's Knot Tiara, formerly worn by Princess Diana, was a wedding gift from the Queen to Jackie. The first time and only she wore it was her wedding day, and it was exciting to get to wear it once again. Jackie and Harry were dressed in their finest, as they were being greeted by the President and First Lady on the steps of the White House in Washington DC for their first ever state dinner. The state dinner was occasion for the tiara, as all state functions required a Duchess to look her best.

"Thank you," Jackie said sincerely, smiling at the First Lady

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"Thank you," Jackie said sincerely, smiling at the First Lady. Jackie was thrilled to be able to speak with the President and First Lady, a young couple who shared Jackie's lack of lifelong press exposure. She was hoping Michelle would have some advice on raising young children in the spotlight.

Barack, Michelle, Harry, and Jackie turned to face the press cameras that were snapping away, taking photos of the first meeting of the two very glamorous couples.

"I've never seen so many photographers come out for a State Dinner," Michelle whispered to Jackie. "They're just loving you two."

Jackie nodded. "Kate and I have both noticed that the press coverage is absolutely ridiculous since we've been pregnant."

"Why don't we head inside," The President suggested, motioning for the others to follow him inside the historic mansion.

Jackie was thrilled to get a tour of the White House, which she had studied about quite a bit during her preparations for the tour. She knew the history of nearly every room, studied the artwork, the furniture, and the contributions each president made. Elizabeth had briefed Jackie on the ins and outs of the grandeur of a White House state dinner, so she knew what to expect. First, there would be hor d'ourves in the Yellow Oval Room of the private residence for the guests of honor, where they would have some time to chat with the President and First Lady in private.

President Obama led the way, talking with Harry as Jackie and Michelle followed closely behind. "I remember when I was pregnant with Malia, my oldest, the first time I felt her kick was so emotional."

Jackie smiled. "Oh, I nearly cried. I only felt it for the first time last week, and I'm 23 weeks tomorrow. So I was getting a bit apprehensive."

"It's magical, isn't it?" Michelle asked kindly.

"I feel so lucky that I get to experience it all," Jackie said as the foursome entered the Red Room.

Jackie took in the lovely artwork and furniture, her eyes twinkling with the sparkles cast by crystal chandeliers. "Oh, look," Harry said, pointing to a painting hanging on the wall.

Jackie grinned at the sight of her namesake, and previous owner of her 5th Avenue apartment, Jacqueline Kennedy. The Former First Lady's official portrait was beautiful, and depicted the woman looking pensive and regal in front of a flower-adorned mantle.

 The Former First Lady's official portrait was beautiful, and depicted the woman looking pensive and regal in front of a flower-adorned mantle

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"Jackie and Jackie," the President commented with a smile.

"I was named after her," said Jackie, walking closer to examine the painting.

"How's the apartment shaping out?" Michelle asked.

"It's incredible, we're finally done with the renovations and decorating, so now we can just enjoy it," Jackie said.

"That Jackie had great taste," Harry commented, motioning to the portrait. "The building has a great view of Central Park, the balcony off of the master bedroom looks right over it."

"If you're ever in New York at the same time we are, you'll have to stop by for a tour," Jackie offered. "You could bring the girls, there's a little ice cream cart that's always parked just inside the park right outside the apartment."

Michelle grinned. "Malia and Sasha would love that, they just love New York City."

"We'll have to arrange for it, then," Jackie decided with a smile.

After a bit more chatting, a Secret Service agent informed the President it was time for their grand entrance.

The couples lined up before they were escorted towards the State Dining Room, pausing at the bottom of an elegant staircase where cameras flashed away. Hail to the Chief played as the President, First Lady, Harry, and Jackie shook hands with the 60 or so guests who had excitedly lined up, waiting patiently for their turns.

The guest list was diverse, but an underlying pattern was evident. Prominent British-American citizens, British-American celebrities, such as Emily Blunt and what seemed to be the entire cast of Harry Potter, as well as Americans involved in charities similar to those of Jackie and Harry, such as the founders of the Wounded Warrior Project, and the director of the Humane Society of America. Jackie was as thrilled to meet all the important people as they were to meet her.

After what seemed like an eternity of meeting and greeting, the party moved to the dining room, where the President and Harry gave brief speeches. The President highlighted the importance of having such a young, relatable, and down to earth couple in a place of influence, and thanked Harry and Jackie for the fine work they'd done so far with their charities. Harry's speech, of course, was incredibly funny, and had the whole room roaring with laughter while still managing to get in the important parts: thanking the President and First Lady for their hospitality, and and speaking briefly on charity interests.

Jackie and Harry mingled with the guests over an incredible dinner, and spent the night dancing in the ballroom East Room.

By the time the royal couple bid farewell to the President and the First Lady on the north portico, Jackie could already tell the state dinner had been a smash hit. As she and Michelle had noticed, the press coverage was intense, but she felt she had impressed. Jackie and Harry were driven to a nearby Air Force base, where they boarded a private plane that would take them to New York City for the final leg of their first official tour.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please comment with any ideas or suggestions for future chapters! :)

Thanks Atlantismyhome for putting the Lover's Knot tiara on Jackie in my edit!

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