Chapter 6

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'A Royal No-No'

'Jackie Baker made her first blunder since marrying Prince Harry and joining the Royal Family nearly 1 year ago.

'Prince Harry and Jackie Baker, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, made a private visit to Harlem Hospital Center in New York City last week to visit terminally ill children in the pediatric ward. A nurse from the hospital tells The Daily Mail that the royal couple wanted to spread some cheer to sick children while staying in their vacation home in New York City's Upper East Side.'

'It was at the hospital that Jackie Baker made a royal mistake: she signed the cast of a young patient.'

'The mother of the young boy tells The Daily Mail that Jackie was cradling her son, making casual small talk. The mother then claims to have asked the Duchess if she would mind signing the cast on her son's leg.'

'"I asked Princess Jackie if she would sign his cast, for him to have when he's older. She was happy to do it, and used a marker from my purse," says the mother.'

'The mother has shared a personal photo she took of the moment, showing The Duchess of Windsor dressed casually, her hair tied back, cradling the baby while signing his cast. Jackie Baker is 4 months pregnant with her and Prince Harry's first child, but her baby bump is hardly visible.' 

'To most, signing a cast is hardly controversial. However, Jackie's friendly gesture breaks age-old royal protocol. Members of the royal family are forbidden to sign autographs, whether on paper, photos, or casts. Their signatures may only appear on visitors books or official documents.'

'Royal experts say this rule is in place due to the fact that a member of the royal family could some day be monarch, and their signature would therefore hold official meaning. Prince Harry is currently third in line to the throne, succeeding his father, Prince Charles, and brother, Prince William. Should he end up on the throne someday, Jackie Baker would be styled Queen of England.'

'The mother tells The Daily Mail that Prince Harry was present when royal newbie Jackie Baker signed the cast, and didn't protest. Clearly, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor are pressing for a more modern monarchy as they start their own branch of the royal family.'

'We have no reports from palace insiders on whether or not The Queen and her staff have given the Duchess of Windsor a refresher course on royal family protocol, but more details will be released as they arrive.' 


"Well?" Elizabeth snapped, holding her phone out to Jackie. 

Jackie wanted to respond, but was a bit bound up. She and Harry were sitting with a few artists from Madam Tussaud's Wax Museum in Kensington Palace, posing and standing for measurements for the final touches on their very own wax figures. She and Harry had both met with various artist from the famous museum over the past few months, every curve and edge of their bodies measured. Jackie had been impressed with the various tools the artists used to measure the distance between her eyes, the length of her nose, the curve of her lips. 

Currently, the artists had a bulky silicon mould in Jackie's mouth, taking impressions of her teeth so that the figure's smile was identical to her's. They were holding up glass eyes next to Jackie's to compare size and color. 

Elizabeth pursed her lips as Jackie struggled to mumble through the mold. One of the artists hurried to take it out, allowing Jackie to take a deep breath. 

"Could you give us a minute, ladies?" Elizabeth asked. 

The artists nodded, taking the mould out of Harry's mouth and hurrying from the room. Elizabeth folded her arms. "I know I've told you the rules before, Jacqueline. Why do you insist on breaking them?" 

"Like the article said, Elizabeth," Jackie said, matching her lady-in-waiting's firm tone. "I'm modernizing the monarchy." 

Jackie could sense Harry grinning next to her. Elizabeth raised a brow. "I sincerely hope that Her Majesty doesn't want to speak with you about this. Because you have a terrible attitude."

"I signed a 3 month old cancer patient's cast," Jackie sighed. "If that is against royal protocol, then I don't want to follow it."

Elizabeth let out a huff. "Your Highness," she said, turning to Harry. "you know the rules, you've grown up with them."

Harry nodded. "I did, but support Jackie, and I'll defend her to my grandmother if I must." 

Elizabeth looked frazzled. "Jackie, you need to pick and choose your battles. Do you really want to make this into a controversy?" 

"What do you mean?" Jackie questioned. 

"You are going to spend the rest of your life as a member of The Firm, and, based on- well, how you are- you are most definitely going to run in to your fair share of grapples with the rules. Do you really want to challenge such a small, insignificant aspect of the protocol?" 

"It was an infant cancer patient, and I am pregnant, after all." Jackie held her chin up. "You know me, Elizabeth. I won't change who I am and what I believe in to stick to some silly, outdated rule." 

Elizabeth looked to Harry, who nodded, showing his support for Jackie. The prim and proper Elizabeth rolled her eyes, her shoulders slumping. "I suppose there's no point in trying to convince you. But if Her Majesty gives you a rap on the knuckles, don't come crying to me." 


"Delivery, Your Highness." 

Jackie peeked out the front door of Nottingham Cottage of a royal staff member, holding an envelope in his hand. "Thank you," Jackie said, taking the envelope and closing the door behind him.

Queen Elizabeth's notorious seal graced the corner of the envelope, which Jackie ripped open in one smooth motion as she settled down on the couch. 


I have been informed that you signed an autograph during your trip to New York City this past week. 

As a senior member of the Royal Family, I must ask you to refrain from signing your name in the future, unless on official documents or guest books. 

I'm sure you were aware of this stipulation, and it simply slipped your mind.'

The letter was stamped at the end, once again, with the Queen's seal. 

Jackie was a bit chilled, picking up notes of sarcasm in Harry's grandmother's words. She looked down at her baby bump, thinking of her unborn baby, who would some day be a senior member of the royal family- just like her. She let out a huff and tossed the Queen's note on the coffee table. Jackie decided that if she could do the situation over again, she would still sign the cast.  


Thank you all for reading! And good guesses on what Jackie would be in trouble for, nearly all of you were right! 

Please leave any comments or suggestions, @KrissiJones had the great idea of Jackie and Harry being included in Madam Tussaud's Wax Museum, which I will also revisit in a later chapter!  

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