Chapter twenty: Friends and demons.....

Start from the beginning

"I mean the only other thing I know is a demon." My smile fades, why should I be sad? I don't eat souls to survive and I like, ok love my wings.

"I don't think I am-" Hands are suddenly on my shoulders making me jump.

"Are you sure?" Sebastian's voice comes from above me I look up and see him smiling down at me, great...I smile back.

"Yeah I don't know I've just always thought demons eat souls for their food." He smile fades and his grip tightens I wince a bit but keep smiling.

"Why is that Alex?" MeyRin asks I look back at her Sebastian's hands still on my shoulders tightly. "I don't know just a hunch I guess." His grip tightens again, dam it.

"So what does that collar do?" I tense up Sebastian feels it and loosens his grip a bit. Hell they know about me they might as well know about Joshua.

"Joshua is a fallen angel, and he wants to control me, this collar is the same as Pluto's one except for me if he orders it I have to do it, even if I fight with it." I see their eyes sadden at the memory of Pluto's name.

"Sort of like a contract with some one where you have agreed to do as they ask." Sebastian knowing that was aimed straight for him re tightens his grip almost to the point of painful. Heck I am not going to be put down my that angel again!

"Ok fallen angel.." MeyRin mutters I shiver at his memory I don't care if Sebastian feels this that guy is a creep that should be dead!

"Can't you just take it off?" Finnie asks I shake my head "No he is the only one who can..." My voice trails off as I touch the cold silver it actually has small studs about five centimeters away from each other all the way around.

"Ok enough questions the front entrance needs fixing, go and do it now." Sebastian says as he lets go of me to move behind them forcing them to leave. "I'll catch you lot later!" I smile at them as they leave I change back to normally and turn to leave as well but a strong hand holds my right arm and spins me around and up so he has me bridle style what the hell? Oh god why did I change back? As he runs un-humanly fast through the corridors I close my eyes a few seconds later he puts me down and I hear a door shut, I sigh and turn around.

"What is it-" Oh crap I open my eyes to come face to face with Sebastian and I mean really face to face like three centimeters away. I realize we're in the library oh no I know where this is going...His demon eyes shining, so close up I can't help but stare completely oblivious to his scent filling my lungs.

"I believe we still have a score to settle from here about souls." He says quietly sending more of the intoxicating smell over me. My eyes change uncontrollably, betraying eyes... He watches them closely.

"I..erm...Ciel said we can't until are meet, so sorry..." Dam it that went wrong! I only said orders because I can't remember what they were! That smell I have to stop breathing it in! He chuckles at my mixed up sentence, ok the stop breathing the smell in plan just went flying out of the window.

"The others have started on it and they know all about the new you, so I would say the orders have been met and I am curious to see how long you can hold up against me." He says slowly especially the last part purposefully sending more of it washing over me, dam annoying time to have a heightened sense of smell as it is stronger than it would be if I were human, even in my human form. It's different from Joshua's it's still sickly yet more intoxicating.

"I s-said I rather like m-my soul so I am afraid you can not have it!" My voice slightly stronger as I finish but I still can't tear my eyes away from his, even if he is only one or two inches taller than me it is making a big difference right now! I swear this smell is everywhere now, all around me suffocating every breath I take.

"How long do you think you can keep fighting? It will be as painless as possible." He leans in closer and lifts up my face with is right hand his eyes glowing. CRAP ALEX SNAP OUT OF IT!! Come on move! Dam legs move! I could use my wings right about now! I can do this just move one leg! Slowly I move my left leg back then forcefully my right one I look down breaking eye contact DONE IT! I smile

"Sorry demon I said no!" My voice strong but teasing now, he puts his arm down by his side then into a thinking pose, he smirks, mental gulp.

"There is one thing that I haven't done yet.." I walk backwards away from him with narrow eyes. "What?" He puts his hands down by his sides and smiles his demon eyes still glowing at me. "Don't worry i'm not going to let you see my true form but I wan't to see if you can see if I make it dark." Oh my god...crap he has never made it dark it's always been me! Suddenly shadows literally appear around him swirling and twisting there way over to me, shit, I look around panicking the window! I change into my form my wings spread as I run to the window I hear a chuckle.

"Do you really think you can escape me?" Suddenly it's all dark and I don't mean the kind of dark when you can just make out shapes I mean pure darkness, I stop dead in my tracks. What the hell I can't see! I spin around trying to see anything but there's nothing. I slowly walk forwards my wings stretched out to feel anything.

"Do you still think you can escape me blind?" The voice come from behind me I spin around but hes not there, dam it I don't no where I am, it's not as easy as you think when it's pitch black. Fine if my sight is no good I will have to rely on touch and sound. I listen but nothing comes I mentally face palm of course there wouldn't be he's a freaking demon! Suddenly I see his eyes yes literly just his eyes a few feet in front of me

"HOLY FUDGE- OWW" Making me jump back but I fall into something hard probably a book case we are in a library, I slide down the hard wood half dazed by the hit I look up to see two sets of eyes looking at me a few feet away. I hold my head with my left hand trying to stop the world from spinning. Suddenly the smell fills my lungs, great he's probably right in front of me and I can't see straight. I feel him kneel down in front of me I don't look up if I do i'll probably end up staring at his eyes again.

"I believe you are trapped here, just relax." He basically purred as that same intoxicating smell washes over me, drowning me in it. I can't win this he's to strong, fine sometimes the only way to win is to loose. I sigh and relax my eyesight not seeing double any more.

"Your right...I am trapped, you win...dam it..." I hiss at him I change back to normal as he holds my chin gently while chuckling I watch his eyes almost dancing, I hardly notice the darkness lift.

"Now if you can stop being so close so I can't smell you that would be great." I mutter as I try to get up only succeeding in falling into him, I quickly move back onto my two feet.

"Does it bother you?" He aks with his closed eye smile he opens his eyes as they go back to normal, I give him a 'you know it does look'

"I did not know it would effect you so much." I laugh and walk quickly to the door getting ready to run for it. "Oh come of it you know it does especially when I have a slightly heightened sense of smell." Why did I say that? His face flickers with amusement,

"I will go and help the others now as much as possible in case that freak shows up, as I now seem to be stuck like you under someones orders." My eyes glint

"Now I know how you feel, to be collared like a dog." He smiles, oh no that's worse than when he dosn't!!! Time to run and with that I open the door jump through it and shut it again then run as fast as I can to the main hall thankfully not far away I hear footsteps behind me, oh fudge I push myself faster and reach the hall they all look up to see me, I made it phew, I run down the steps and hide behind MeyRin as I look up at Sebastian with a smile. He shakes his head and walks on in the direction of Ciels study I let my breath go and smile at a confused MeyRin, today's been a long day...

A/N: That score had to be settled some how ha! Please Vote and Comment!............Next chapter Joshua hasn't come back for a day so sh is helping Bard in the kitchen and he try's to use his flamethrower, one problem it's not him who blows up the kitchen......

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