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Last day of summer break.

Harry and a few of his friends walk into Starbucks, and like everywhere they go people take notice. You would think by the way people act when he walks in a room he was some pop star gracing them with his presence. Harry finds this amusing, his friends enjoy the attention, but they have all gotten used to the attention over the past few years, once puberty hit one Harry Styles it was very kind to him. He shot up to a very impressive 6'5 height causing him to tower over all his friends and classmates, it also gave his chocolate brown hair the most adorable curls and that seemed to drive the girls crazy. Another thing that seemed to draw all the girls in Harry's direction were his gorgeous emerald green eyes that were surrounded by the thickest and darkest eyelashes seen on a guy. Over all making Harry the best looking guy in school, every girl wanted to date him and at times it seemed like Harry was giving them all the chance.
The things his friends didn't know was Harry was looking for something special. He was tired of just dating to be dating. He wanted that tingling feelings when you touched that special person, or the heart rate to speed up just seeing someone you care about. Harry wanted to feel all the things all the sappy romance novels wrote about, and he was determined to find it.

Louis Tomlinson sits on his bed as he folds the last of the new clothes his mom bought him for the new school year. After spending the summer with his uncle he has changed a lot. With the braces off his teeth and glasses gone and contacts in so his ocean blue eyes now able to be seen instead of being hidden by the glasses he used to wear, his caramel colored hair fixed in a different way, his body slimmer. Even his mom almost didn't recognize him when she picked him up at the airport. One thing about spending the summer with a gay uncle who was into fitness and body building, Louis picked up some of his habits and lost weight, toned up and learned and few things on how to make the most of what you had, even if it wasn't much. Louis wasn't the most popular in school, but he wasn't one of those who had no friends and got bullied either. He had his friends, his occasional girlfriends when he wanted one. But there was always something missing, he wasn't sure what that something was until his uncle explained it to him right before him coming home.
Louis sat and listened to his uncle and his boyfriend talk about that special feeling you get when you meet that one person, the one that makes your heart rate speed up, and palms gets sweaty, or maybe you get light headed and just can't stop staring at this person. It could be a person you've known all your life or someone you just meet. That's what Louis wants, he wants to find that one person to make him feel all those things his uncle feels.

"Hey, Harry, you ready for school to start?" Liam asks his best friend.

"I guess." Harry replies, ignoring all the girls staring at them as they sat down. "I'm ready to get this year over with to get on with life." He says taking a sip of his iced coffee.

"You and Becky still dating?" Ed asks him.

Shaking his head, Harry looks around. "Nope. Broke up with her when I caught her screwing with Jamison last week."

"Eric Jamison? The guy she swore she hated?" Liam asks.

"The same. She called me wanting me to come over. Told her I couldn't because I was helping mom with some things." Harry tells his best friends. "When I got done I figured I'd go by her house for a while anyway since it wasn't to late. Caught them on the sofa going at it."

"They were actually fucking?" Ed asks with a chuckle, knowing Harry wasn't that into to Becky anyway.

Harry snorted. "He was banging her so hard they almost flipped the sofa over. I'm just glad I never touched her like that." Harry says shaking his head.

"Hey Lou, you ready for school to start?" Niall asks his best friend.

"I guess." Louis replies. "It's just another year watching all the girls fawn all over the popular guys making fools of themselves." Louis laughs.

Niall laughs with him. "Well at least we're entertained by their antics. Hell, you never know some of that attention may turn to you this year. With the way you've changed over the summer, Harry Styles just might have some competition this year." Niall says patting his friend on the back.

Louis snorts. "Now I know why you're my best friend, Niall. Such an ego booster, but still full of shit." Louis laughs. "There is no way in hell people will notice me next to the giant Harry, I think it's written in the schools social code or something." He adds.

"Yeah right, you picking me up since my car decided to die on me?" Niall asks.

"Yep, wouldn't dream of making my best friend walk on our first day back to hell." Louis says. "So I guess I'll see you in the morning."

"Yep, and I can't wait to see the look on people's face when they see what I see." Niall smiles as he heads out the door.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Louis says as he waves his friend off. Shutting and locking the door Louis returns to his room to get ready for bed. Tomorrow will be interesting no matter what happens because it will be the first time he will see his ex Lea since he caught her cheating on him right before he left for the summer with Eric Jamison.

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