Alec and Abigale's Cooking Adventure

151 19 4

Step one: You may find it easier to complete this recipe with the help of a partner. While we've worked hard to streamline our instructions, it's never a bad idea to have another set of willing hands.



"You don't have to be like that, I just have a question."

"If your questions weren't always so stupid Alec, I might be a little nicer."

"If you were a little nicer then..."

"Just get on with it, or get out of my room. I have things to do."

"You have nothing to do."

"Shut up!"

"I don't have to, you know?"

"If you don't shut up I'll tell Mom!"

"Mom's asleep and anyway..."


"For as much as you tattle on me, you would think she was your real mom..."


"Abby? Are you OK?"

"...Get out!"

"Abby, I didn't..."

"Get out! Get out! Get out! Get out! Get out! Get...out!"

"Abigale! You're gonna wake everyone in the house up. Please..."

"Get out! Get out!"

"I'm sorry!"

"...No, you're not."

"I didn't mean anything by it, I swear."

"...You know you did, now get the Hell out of here!"

"I need your help!"

"And why should I help you?"

"I was in the attic..."

"Alec...You know that's dangerous. What has mom told you about going up there?"

"That I'm gonna get myself killed, anyway, do you want to know what I found?"

A Year of Stories (Collection Two)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora